Chapter Twenty-six: Demon Lord

"Good grief, you're both here. I thought you were taken by the demon lord already," Shawn said in relief, seeing Ava and the old man safe and sound.

"Are you done with them already?" Ava asked. She couldn't believe that Shawn defeated those demons so fast, and he didn't even get a scratch, but instead a smile on his face that sent her goosebumps.

Shawn nodded in reply, then he wondered why they stopped in front of a huge steel door. They looked exhausted, or more likely to be hesitating to enter it. He didn't know what was inside, but it seemed like something strong was living there.

"How could you eliminate those demons so fast?" the old man asked. "There's not even a single sweat on your face. Did you really fight them?"

"Yeah, of course," Shawn replied. "I couldn't use my communication skills with those demons because they were controlled by dark magic. I also couldn't use exorcism skills, so I decided to burn them."

"You burned them? Do you mean you can use fire magic?" Ava asked
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