Supreme Son In Law
Supreme Son In Law
Author: Hains
Chapter 1

Dustin looked in the mirror, contemplating himself. Meanwhile, the woman in the red dress behind him stared flatly. Karina Grayson, the woman who had been Dustin's wife for two years, chuckled in annoyance. 

"Are you seriously going to wear something like that? Do you want to embarrass my family in front of all the Graysons?" Karina nudged Dustin's arm roughly, then grabbed something from the closet.

"Wear this!" Karina unsympathetically threw the black tuxedo at Dustin's face. 

With a slender body, long legs, and fair skin, it was no wonder she was the envy of the young masters in the city of Antaham, the second largest country in Ebrana.

Countless people had tried to propose to Karina, but reality brought her into an unwanted relationship. 

Trapped in marriage by her grandfather, Louis Grayson. Unfortunately, Karina had to marry a simple man who was unemployed and had nothing. Despite two years of marriage, Karina has never once received a gift from Dustin, and the marriage is only based on the law. They never even touched each other. 

Louis said that having Dustin in the Grayson family would give the Graysons a dragon on their heads. The whole family had yet to understand what the supreme head of the family meant.

"You really piss me off, Dustin." Karina left there

A useless man. It wasn't just one or two people who called Dustin that,  he often got Insults and rude behavior. There was not the slightest appreciation or respect for him.

Dustin put the tuxedo given by Karina back into the closet. Ignorantly, he joined the others. Everyone avoided Dustin, sick of the sight of him. 

All of the family had prepared neatly. Each of them had brought a special gift of value to attend the Grayson family's party for the birth of the company's children in two major cities, as well as to celebrate the company's seventh anniversary. 

"Look, are you kidding me? You useless son-in-law! You want to embarrass us by wearing those shabby clothes?" The middle-aged woman named Eri, Dustin's mother-in-law, had never liked the man. 

"He's not wearing the clothes I gave him," Karina replied irritably.

"Time is running out. Doesn't Mom always get mad when I'm slow?" replied Dustin. 

Eri turned to Dustin. "What? So you're blaming me? And another thing, what do you call me? Mom? Don't call me Mom! I'm not your mom!" She pointed her index finger at Dustin. 

"You're Karina's mom, so you're my mom too." 

"Stop that!" snapped Eri in displeasure. 

"Mom, never mind!" Karina couldn't believe her grandfather had set her up with a useless man like Dustin when she could have chosen anyone among the many handsome and successful men pursuing her. 

"It's unfortunate that you have to marry such a useless man. If you can't give anything, at least don't humiliate! Just live as a parasite!" Eri's anger grew. 

"Never mind, dear. Until foam came up from the your mouth, that bum won't listen!" Jake forced Eri to leave immediately. 

That man was Eri's husband. Dustin could only watch in silence. What difference did it make to put on nice clothes if the insults weren't coming from his appearance alone but from him? 


A building with towering pillars like a palace stretched red carpet along the stairs to the house. The rhythm of music adorned the party. Rows of long tables with various menus of luxurious food and drinks were served there. The sparkle of a baccarat chandelier made by hand with 1800 pieces of crystal stone designed by world designers hung luxuriously on the ceiling of the ballroom. 

Everyone came to congratulate him. Not to be overlooked were the big names in the city. Major companies in the city had come to attend, indicating the Grayson family's status in the city.

"How can that despicable person attend this party?" 

"He will pollute our air. Damn, he looks so sickening."

All eyes looked contemptuous when Dustin stepped in together with Karina's family. It wasn't a surprise to them anymore. Dustin was used to getting that look from Karina's family. The man remained silent as he nonchalantly stepped behind Karina. 

"How shameless of him!" Someone deliberately spoke loud for Dustin to hear.

A loud round of applause filled the room as Gerald Grayson, the current chairman of Grayson Group, cut the red ribbon that spanned the subsidiary's miniature property. 

The middle-aged man wore a navy-colored tuxedo suit with a gold pin on his right breast. His slightly graying golden brown hair was shiny, making him look dashing in his old age. 

Everyone clutched their drink glasses and toasted the smooth running of the party until it came to the main event, where everyone gave gifts. 

"The Fordge family presented us with a Ming dynasty dragon jade containing a carved prayer for prosperity. May the Grayson Group always prosper." 

"Landsy Corporation gave a rare special gift. Taaffeite is a reddish lavender purple-colored stone. It's extraordinary. May the Grayson Group always prosper!" 

All eyes were amazed at the sparkling Taaffeite stone that was more expensive than a gram of diamond. It was a rare stone that was difficult to obtain, and there were only a few in the world. 

"Just one grain is worth hundreds of millions. It's amazing!" Jake chuckled. 

"The Harvey Group presented a golden dragon statue. May Grayson Group always be successful and lucky." 

The sound of applause and whispers of admiration filled the room. Dustin only clapped once because seeing those gifts was normal for him. Nothing special. 

"Hey, instead of you just standing around, you better make yourself useful. Get me another drink!" Jake pushed Dustin's body violently until he bumped into someone. 

"Sorry," Dustin said to one of Karina's cousins. 

Donald grinned. Donald had deliberately bumped into Dustin, making the man's simple clothes wet. Instantly making everyone who saw it laugh out loud.

"Look at him, and he's like a rat in a sewer. Wet and smelly!" Karina's cousins insulted Dustin out loud. 

Everyone laughed, including the dignitaries. Dustin nonchalantly wiped his wet shirt regardless of the insults and jeers. 

Eri clenched her hands into fists. "You useless son-in-law! You can only embarrass us. Get lost!" 

"You don't belong here! Shameful and lowly! How could I make you Karina's husband!?" Jake supported Eri's words.

Karina, who was already embarrassed, could only silently look at the man who had become her husband. Suddenly a man appeared from behind, Harry from the Hopster family. 

"Is there something exciting? It looks like I'm late for happiness," said Harry. The man with the two-block hairstyle smiled sweetly. "Ah, there's that useless guy who can only eat." Harry looked at Dustin, his appearance with luxurious items attracted attention. 

"Yeah, all he can do is relax and enjoy his wife's family's wealth!" 

"I don't know which family would put up with him!" said Karina's other cousins. 

Everyone laughed mockingly at Dustin. Harry grabbed the hem of Dustin's shirt, then quickly stroked Dustin's shoulder as if he was cleaning his hands of dirt. "Shabby clothes like a bum. It's perfect for useless dust bunnies like you." 

Dustin brushed Harry's hand off his shoulder. "Dust is holier than trash." 

Dustin's stinging reply left everyone dumbfounded. It drew Harry's ire. Harry's burly hand landed perfectly on Dustin's collar. 

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