Chapter 7

The manager looked incredulous at Dustin's appearance of having a black card. However, seeing that the card Dustin was holding looked genuine, made him afraid it was real. 

"There has never been a fake black card before. Does that shabby man have it?" That was the content inside the manager's head, who was also scared. 

Dustin extended his hand, and the manager respectfully took Dustin's black card. Looking from all sides and observing, the manager seemed confused and surprised. How could a man who looked like a bum in front of him have a card like this? 

The male and female sales looked at each other with Dustin's condescending gaze. "My guess is right that the card is fake and can't be used. What a shameless lowlife!" 

"That's it, just kick him out of here. Shame on you!" 

"Shut up, damn it!" the manager snapped at the salesgirls. Suddenly, they fell silent. 

The manager was now getting scared because he knew Dustin had real cards. His hands were shaking because the servers had offended a great man. 

The manager looked at Dustin and handed the black card back to him. "This is a real card and can be used." 

Everyone who heard that was immediately shocked. The people crowded in front of the store whispered to each other. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. 

The salesman shook his head. "No way. You must have seen it wrong. Just think about how that homeless man could have a real black card? It must be a fake card made to look as similar as possible to the real one!" 

"Shut the fuck up!" The manager approached the salesman, who was now frozen in place in shock. 

The manager's eyes flashed sharply, instantly slapping the waiter. "You idiot! Where did you put your brain? Can't you tell the difference between fake and real cards?" 

The employees covered their mouths. "If it's real, then we're in big trouble." 

"Damn it! We almost lost a valuable customer because of you!" The manager continued to slap the waitress. 

The situation was tense and scary as the manager didn't stop beating the waitress. All the servers were trembling, looking at Dustin with fear. 

The salesman raised both hands, trying to avoid the manager's blows. "I-I don't know. I can't tell the difference." 

"W-we doesn't know either," continued several employees stammering. 

"You idiot! Damn it! Where did you put your brain? You bastard!" The manager cursed mercilessly, not caring about the stares of customers and the crowd in front of the store. 

Dustin looked happy about it. He watched all the servers now looking down in fear for having made such a big mistake. 

"Now you apologize to our valued customers for all your dirty words. All of you too!" 

Dustin grinned. "Apologize? They wanted to beat, imprison, and make me lick their feet. They should get his comeuppance. Otherwise, I won't shop here and bankrupt this store." 

The manager was terrified. This store was very luxurious and famous in women's fashion. It wasn't just the upper middle class who came to buy clothes at this store, but also many big shots who owned famous companies in the city. 

If the news spread throughout the city, and it went bankrupt in the blink of an eye, it would affect the income of other figures not only selling women's clothing. Many investors and companies in the fashion field work with this store. His reputation as a store manager would also be ruined. 

"Please, don't act like that. We can talk about it again." The manager pleaded. 

Dustin squinted and looked at the name tag on the manager's left chest. "Martis." 

"Yes, sir. My name is Martis. Please spare my servant." 

Dustin chuckled in annoyance. "Too bad they've insulted me so much." 

"Ah!" The manager shouted in annoyance, then returned to venting his anger by beating up the waiter. 

Not hesitating, Martis also gave some of the female servers who insulted Dustin a hard slap. "You bitch! Useless! Asshole!" 

Martis pushed the salesgirl so hard that she fell to her knees before Dustin's feet. 

"Apologize, bow down, and lick the feet of this honorable master!" 

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief. Even one of the salesgirl was crying from fear. 

"Will she lick that shabby man's feet?" Customers in the shop were talking about it. 

The salesman seemed to have no choice. He prostrated himself at Dustin's feet. The man clenched his hands together on the cold floor. His body trembled, and he did as his manager told him to kiss and lick Dustin's shabby shoes. 

Followed by several female employees who also prostrated themselves and apologized earnestly. "Forgive us, sir." 

"I am truly sorry for my presumptuous behavior and for hurting your heart, sir." The servant's voice trembled. 

They all clasped their palms in front of their chests, apologizing to the point of tears while looking at the manager. 

"Sir, is this apology enough? You'll keep shopping here, right?" the manager asked in a careful, fearful tone. He didn't want to offend Dustin. 

"No," Dustin replied flatly without expression. "A small shop like this, it can easily lose." 

The manager was getting scared. The anger that had already peaked made the manager lose his mind. He didn't want his shop to be destroyed. The manager beat up the waiter and the security guard, who insulted Dustin.

The salesgirl begged Dustin for forgiveness. "Sir, I've apologized and licked your feet. Please forgive me, and don't be like that." 

Dustin ignored her and raised an index finger at the manager. Martis approached Dustin, who was now looking at the dress a few meters away from where the servants were prostrating themselves. 

"Has the master forgiven them?" Martis confirmed. 

Dustin stopped his hand movements and stared intently at Martis. "Fire them all!" 

Martis swallowed. He nodded weakly and returned to the servants. His jaw hardened in anger. 

"Because of you, my shop is on edge!" the manager shouted as he beat mercilessly. 

The manager's breathing was ragged as his skin turned red with rage. "Starting today, you're fired! Get out of my sight right now. Drag them out and punish them!"


Dustin sat up and took off his shoes. He threw them down haughtily and asked for new shoes for him. "Give me the most expensive shoes here."

The manager immediately came and served Dustin very kindly. "Here you go, sir."

Dustin tried on the shiny black shoes given to him by Martis.

"I promise that something like this will never happen again." Martis apologized again for being afraid of Dustin.

Dustin got up and walked a little to try on the comfort of his shoes. 

Martis bowed his body slightly. "Sir, what do you want to shop for? Come, I'll serve you directly."

Dustin pointed quickly at the entire store. "I want to buy everything without exception."

Dustin handed over the card he had. "use this to pay for it."

Martis's hand trembled as he accepted the card. "Yes, sir. We'll do it right away."

Martis invited some employees who were not involved in insulting Dustin to help him wrap up all the items in the store.

The waitress behind the counter looked confused. The cashier's receipt ran out and had to be replaced with two rolls to record all the information about the items and prices in the store.

Hundreds of women's dresses worth tens of millions, shoes and bags worth hundreds of millions. Strand after strand of clear receipt paper came out of the cashier's computer until it fell to the floor. Even though there were already two servers behind the cashier's desk who rolled up the purchase paper, the receipt paper that came out of the computer quickly easily dangled down.

The salesgirl behind the counter wiped her sweat as she gulped. "That's 58 billion."

The eyes of everyone there widened utterly. They were shocked to hear the total number of items purchased by Dustin. However, Martis looked happy because all the goods in his shop were selling like a dog given a bone by its master.

The luxury store, which had been full of luxury goods, now looked empty, like a new building that had not been filled with any goods. Only large bare cupboards were left without any contents.

"Just deliver all my groceries to my home address." Dustin drew on a paper lying haphazardly on the counter and wrote down Karina's home address.

The manager nodded obediently and quickly checked all of Dustin's orders. "Yes, sir, I'll deliver everything right away."

Martis handed the black card back to Dustin. His smile was beautifully engraved as if he had just received a large gold piece.

"Thank you, sir." Martis smiled.

Dustin waltzed away from the shop. He didn't care about the stares of the people gathered in front of the shop. Dustin returned home on foot.

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