Chapter 422 Unlucky Bodyguards

Justin shook his head - an ordinary case of civic duty. With his skills, the rescue was easy. No need for thanks.

As Justin strolled on, dismissing the matter, several men in black suits and sunglasses blocked his path, emerging from a BMW.

"Mr. Wilson? Come with us please - our employer requests your presence."

Justin frowned. "And who might he be? I don't just come and go at anyone's beck and call. If he wants to extend an invite, I'll need a name and status before considering it."

"All will be clear if you come along."

Justin scoffed. Such cloak and dagger techniques hardly inspired enthusiasm. He strode past them without a glance.

"Sir, our employer said we may use force if required. While regrettable, please don't make this difficult."

Justin smirked. "My my, is that how your boss makes friends? I'm not interested. You're welcome to try something if you insist."

Exchanging glances, the men closed in, cracking knuckles menacingly.

"I'd rethink this if I were you. I'm not one t
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