Gabe and Mia were forced to come to an agreement with the two people from the Beast Brotherhood.

If they were to send the people back to their graves, then Gabe and Mia were willing to let them go, assuming they wouldn’t attempt another such attack.

It took them a few hours to fix everything, and then Gabe and Mia called the owner of the cemetery and informed him about the incident, telling him that some robbers tried to rob from the graves, and also that the robbers managed to escape.

After the call ended, Mia told him, “You do realize that he’s going to suspect us first, right?”

“Well, your parents were also buried here, so I think he’ll give us the benefit of doubt,” Gabe stated. “At least I hope so.”

Mia kept staring at her parent’s graves, which still did look like they were robbed. The images of her parents rising from their graves in skeletal forms was still playing in Mia’s mind, and she couldn’t forget about it. “I didn’t want to see them again like this, but I don’t get why
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