chapter seven

"Don't tell me this is the part where you try to prove yourself because you are nothing! You always have been, and you will always remain nothing. I am sure no one wept at your mother's burial." Stiles taunted, and James lost it. He flew at Stiles, and the two began to heat each other up. Stiles was bigger and stronger than James. He sent a few punches towards James belly and faces. ' He should not have taken him head-on." One of the students said it with a smirk on his face. "Did he think he could come here behaving like he owned the place?" another said. 

James eyes darted around, seeing the faces of all the students staring at him. He spits out blood and crawls on the blood, holding Stiles feet. "You are one hell of a person. I think by now, you ought to have given up." Stiles looked at James. 

Suddenly, he flew him and thumped on James head. The loud noise of his cry was heard, and many of the students fled the scene. "What have you done?" One of the bullies looked at James and back at Stiles, who had a smile on his face. "Is he dead?" Stiles said, still smiling. 

"He could be." Another said, and they checked James breathe. " Wow! I can't believe he took a fatal blow to the head and still managed to survive."

They left the scene with James wriggling in pain. 

James clutched his bag as he was about to lose consciousness. He looked up and saw a face staring at him. "Are you alright?" She asked before James finally closed his eyes. 


"Are you awake now? Can you see me?" A female voice was heard, trying to know if James was conscious. "Where am I?" James asked, his head throbbing like he had just drunk a whole brewery. "You are in the sickbay." Sandra said, looking at James. 

James sat up and looked at her and said, "II am not dead." 

" Dead? Why would you be dead? The nurse said you need a major scan and that you also need to see the doctor. Do you think you can do that on your own?" Sandra asked again, but James wasn't bothered by any of that. He quickly rushed to his back and checked to see if the spectacle was there. 

"Are you even hearing what I am saying? You need to be checked. The nurse said..." Sandra was about to repeat herself when James looked at her. "I heard what the nurse said. You don't need to repeat yourself." He said it harshly. 

Sandra looked at his face and knew he was angry, but he didn't need to take out his frustration on her. She grabbed her bags and walked out without saying a word. 

James knew he was wrong, but he didn't have the time to care about others feelings. He had a lot going on for him. 

He carefully placed the spectacle in the case and put it inside his bag. He was about to walk out when a voice stopped him. "That was wrong. You need to apologize to her and tell her you are sorry. You would have been dead or worse if she hadn't brought you here." The school nurse said this without looking at James.

James said nothing but simply walked out of the sick bay.

"What a psycho," the nurse said with a smirk on her face. 

James eyes darted around the school premises, trying to find the girl who saved him. He was the worst; he didn't even know her name. James scratched his head and wondered how he was going to find Sandra if he didn't even know her name. 

It was not closing time, and all the students were trooping out of the classroom to go back home. Many exotic cars were parked outside the school gate, waiting for their wards. 

James clutches his scooter to his side, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone who looks like Sandra. 

After the death of his mother, for some reason, he had sharp senses, and he can remember what he had seen a few minutes ago. Sandra's face played all over again as he tried to recall her face before he forgot it. 

Suddenly, James looked out through the window and saw someone's back view that looked exactly like Sandra. He rushed out of the car, trying to catch up with her, but then a sleek Jeep car parked in front of her. 

James was about to reach her when the door opened and a voice said, Come in. Jame halted and peeped, only to see that it was none other than the man in the black suit he had seen before. He clenched his hand in anger. Jame wondered how a loving and sweet girl must have been born to a monster. A monster that killed his father and mother. 

He was about to leave when he felt the strange energy again. "Is Luke always following him everywhere he goes?" James hid behind the door as he peeped. 

Suddenly, he saw Stiles smiling, "How was school today, son?" Luke asked, looking at Stiles and his friends. "It was fine, father. I even bashed the head of a student today; he wouldn't respect me." Stiles bragged. 

"Hop in." Luke said, looking at Stiles.. 

"No, I and my friend are going to get something at the grocery." Stiles said with a smile, waving to his father before he drove off behind Sandra's father. 

James's face hardened at the sight of everything that just happened. He had been going to school with the son and daughter of those who killed his parents. 

James followed behind Stiles as they left the school vicinity. "Do you know that dumbass is following us?" Mark said, looking at Stiles. "I know, and that is why we are going to teach him a lesson he will never forget. We can even kill him." Stiles said, smiling. "Kill him?" Stiles's friends looked at him. 

"I was just joking; we need to lose him now." Stiles said, and they bent a corner. 

James got away from his scooter and looked around, trying to find Stiles and his friends. 

He felt a sound behind him, and when he turned to look back, he felt a blow to his face, knocking him out cold.

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