chapter eight

James blinked and saw Stiles and his friend laughing at him. He tried to break free and noticed he was tied to a pole. "Why do you keep coming after me? Do you think you can avenge what I did to you? I am the kingpin around here. Don't you wonder why the school authorities didn't take it up? That is because they fear my father. They know what he would do to them if they laid a finger on me." Stiles barked at James. 

James tried to break free of the ropes around him, but he couldn't. He would have loved to break every tooth in Stile's mouth and probably kill him. 

"Untie me!" James shouted at Stiles, and he laughed again. 

"Maybe you should call on your dead mother. I am sure she would be more than happy to come save you. I heard you have been running all your life. Here, I am going to make your life so miserable that you would wish you had stayed dead with your mother." Stiles giggled 

They ransack James bag and found the spectacle. "Give it back! It is mine." James shouted in anger. 

"Give it back? You still have the nerves to yell and shout at me." Stiles looked at James faces. 

He beckoned for Mark to come with the baseball in his hands. "Throw it up." Stiles commanded 

Mark threw the baseball up, and Stiles hit it. It hit James straight on the face, making his eyes almost pop out of their sockets. James shouted in agony as blood oozed out of his eyes. "You should know when you keep the hell shut!" Stiles added 

He collected the spectacle from Mark and looked at James. 

"No,no, don't do this, Stiles. I am sorry; I should have said to come after you. Please not that, don't do that." James pleased 


James watched as the spectacle got broken while Stiles and his friend walked away, leaving him. to the pole. "Do you think he can free himself? shouldn't we free him?" Mark asked, looking at James, who looked pitiful.

"NNah, I want him there. I am sure he would learn his lesson if he stayed that way for a long time." Stiles replied as he walked away with the rest of his friends, giggling. 

James burst into tears as he tried to reach for the glasses. He remembered that his mother had guided the spectatles all her life, and some kids just treated them like nothing. James gripped his hands in anger, trying to break the rope, but he couldn't. 

He remembered that he had enough strength to defeat Luke, but could it break a mere rope? 

The sound of the rumbling thunder could be heard. James looked up and saw it was going to rain soon. He looked at the spectacles and knew the hard pour of the rain could wash them off. 

The rain began to pour heavily, soaking James bags and books. He looked pitiful and prayed that someone should come his way, but it looked like James prayers had gone unanswered. Suddenly, the thunder crackled, hitting the pole, and James was tied too. His eyes glowed again, and his powers came back. 

James managed to set himself free. He felt tired and worn out. He walked slowly, grabbed his backs and the broken spectacle, and walked back home. 


Stiles walked into the luxurious mansion and met his father, who was drinking some wine. "What is the occasion, dad?" I have never seen you this happy." Stiles looked at his father, who was having a nice time. 

"Let's just say your father is about to become the most feared and richest man in the country." Luke looked at his son. 

"But we are rich fathers, and we are only second to Frederick's." Stiles replied, satisfied with their current position. "I don't want to be second. I want to be the first, and you should start working towards that too. Don't let that bitch control you anymore!" Luke shouted at his son. 

"I know, father; I heard she even had the boy I bashed his head on treated. I hate the fact that you always bow to me, Klaus." Stiles said it with anger and looked at his father. 

"Not anymore. We just need those spectacles, and that is all." Luke replied, and Stiles twitched. "What spectacle? Can you describe it, father?" Stiles asked 

He remembered he had seen one that he and his friend collected from James. 

Luke looked at him and wondered why he wanted him to describe the spectacle. He brought out a pen and immediately drew the goggle. "Yes, that is it." One of my schoolmates has it. We broke it when we taught him a lesson from his life." Stiles said with a smile on his face. 

"You did what? You fool!" Luke shouted and gave Stiles a smack on the face. "You should have brought it to me! You should have asked me if I needed it. We could have been powerful. We would rule the world and become unstoppable.

you stupid boy." Luke shouted in anger while Stiles looked at his father and wondered what he was rambling about. 


James got back home as he tried to tend to his wounds. They were sore and had blisters. He tried to take his bath, but his body hurt so badly that he could barely watch his back. He remembered his mother, and tears came to his face. James remembered his father's words and immediately wiped them off. He was going to be the strongest man in the world, and he wouldn't have to run from anyone. He remembered how he had told his mother to stop running and take the bull by the horn, but being alone made him weak. 

James crawled to the little makeshift bed on the floor and slept on it with the spectacle on the table before him. He closed his eyes but remembered the horrible dreams and how Stile's father was always after his life. He decided to have his eyes opened. He stared at the wall clock in front of him. 

Time seems to slow down as each hour goes by. The alarm sounded immediately; it was 12 p.m., and then something unexpected happened. James eyes glowed gently as he looked at the spectacle right in front of him. He stood up motionless, as he felt drawn to its power.

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