chapter nine

James watched as the spectacle made itself and became whole. "This is impossible," he said as he picked up the G****e ""I saw sties squash and break it." James stares at the table right in front of him. He picked up the spectacle, and they immediately bonded, becoming one.

James face changed, and his power came back tenfold. He felt more alive than dead. "Is this why my mother never allowed me to touch it?" James removed the glasses and felt ordinary once again. He immediately went back to bed and hid the goggle. Tomorrow was going to be a day of vengeance. Jame was going to make everyone who looked down on him pay for everything they had done. 

James woke up very early the next day and went about his daily routine. He ran into the morning air with a smiling face and knew he did not have to go to school in fear again. He was finally free from being bullied and beaten. He had the spectacle strapped to his side as he jogged, looking at it each time he ran. James got back home and quickly got ready for the day. He took his bath and was about to get dressed when he looked into the mirror. Something caught his attention. 

James saw that he was looking more built than ever; he had more muscles.

James' eyes widened as he gazed at his reflection in awe. His once slender and scrawny physique had transformed overnight, replaced by a more muscular and toned body. His shoulders were broader, his chest more defined, and his arms bulged with newfound strength. His abs were chiseled, and his legs seemed more powerful, as if they could propel him to incredible speeds.

He flexed his muscles, marveling at the way they rippled beneath his skin. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he realized the spectacle's power extended beyond just protecting him from harm. It had somehow enhanced his physical abilities, transforming him into a formidable specimen of strength and agility.

James' mind raced with the possibilities. He could take on anyone who dared to cross him, defend himself with ease, and make his enemies cower in fear. The thought sent a thrill through his veins, and he couldn't help but grin at his reflection.

With a newfound sense of confidence, James finished getting dressed and strapped the spectacle to his side, feeling its familiar hum of power. He was ready to take on the day, and no one was going to stand in his way. He was able to enter the school gate when he removed the goggles and put them on. 

Many of the students looked at him, and we're surprised to see a new James. He was looking catchy to the female students, and many wanted a bit of him.

Stile and his friend were walking back when they heard some of the students talking about James. "He is so cool; I wish he was my boyfriend. I am going to ask him out for the dance night party." One of the female students laughed at her friends. 

"II love the shade. I am sure it is a limited edition. I wondered where James had gotten it." Another said, making Stiles grinned in anger. "What are those fools whining about?" Stiles looked at Mark. "I think James is back. I thought he wouldn't have come down to school today, judging from what we have done to him." Mark looked at Stiles and noticed his face was swollen. 

"Dude, what happened to your face?" Mark said, touching the eyes sore. 

Stiles coughed gently; he knew he couldn't tell Mark that his father had hit him on the face. He had always boasted about his father and how he had been loving and caring towards him. "I bumped my face when I was going to the bathroom." Stile lied

"Didn't your father beat the hell out of you yesterday for not coming home with the spectacle?" Sandra said, and the boys looked back. 

"Where did you hear that from?" Stiles said, his face burning red with anger. 

"My father's got his ways, and nothing will happen without his knowledge. I think your father gave you a task. You had better accomplish that, or you are in for the biggest beating of your life." Sandra said this and walked away with her friends, giggling. 

" Wait? Is that true? Your father hit you?" Mark looked at Stiles and wasn't sure of what to say. "What is she talking about? What spectacles?" Mark asked, staring at Stiles, who was still fuming with anger. 

"James has it." He looked at Mark and the rest of the gang. "We are getting it back." He said he was clenching his fist. "I heard he had it on; we broke it yesterday, didn't we?" Mark looked surprised as he looked at Stiles and the rest of the boys. "We did, and we are going to do it again." One of the shouters 

"AAre you nuts? Didn't you hear what I just said? My father needs it, and we are going to get it." Stiles looked at their faces. 

 They planned and decided to get the spectacle from James when everyone was at the dance party.

James was on his way to the class when he saw Sandra walking towards him. He remembered what he had seen and knew he didn't have to associate himself with her. Her father must have had a hand in the death of his mother, or perhaps his father. James was not going to be nice to a killer. 

He walked past Sandra like he didn't see her. "Oh my god! Did you just walk past me?" She said this, looking at James, who didn't flinch. "Am I supposed to be on talking terms with you simply because you took me to the sick bay?" James looked at her face, even making the conversation more frustrating for Sandra. "Don't I deserve a thank you?" She asked, looking at James. 

James knew he owed her; she could have turned a blind eye, but she helped him. He knew he shouldn't blame her for her father's mistake. Sandra was about to walk away when James voice stopped her. "Will you accompany me to the dance party?" He said that, and all eyes were fixed on them. Violet looked at Sandra, and she was jealous. She had it in mind to ask James out, but he was fast enough to ask Sandra out himself. Some of the students brought out their phones to take pictures and videos. 

Sandra has been hearing the students gossip about how handsome and cute James was. She knew saying no to him would give the other laddies chances to have him for themselves. "I will." Sandra replied, even though her father had tasked her with the mission of bringing the glasses back to him. 

James smiled as he trolled off to his class, counting the days until the dance party. He knew he had managed to captivate the prettiest student in the school. 

"IIf you think she loves you, then you are a fool. I wouldn't be too excited about it, you know." A voice spoke from behind, and James looked back. 

"Who are you?" James asked 

"AA friend and I would not be carried away by the paparazzi. I am Boyd, by the way." He said he was thrusting his hand out for a handshake. The two exchanged pleasantries and became best friends. Stiles and his minions counted the days until the dance party, as James also counted. He was having the best time of his life with Boyd as both of them became close friends.

James soon forgot that he was alone in the world and shared almost everything with Boyd, except the spectacle. He was reluctant to let him know what it does, except that James didn't know the extent of the power he wields. 

The day of the dance party came. 

The hall was transformed into a vibrant and lively atmosphere, filled with the excitement of the students. The walls were adorned with colorful balloons and streamers, and the floor was polished to a shine. The DJ booth was set up in the corner, blasting out the latest hits and getting everyone in the mood to dance. The tables were decorated with fancy tablecloths and centerpieces, and the chairs were arranged in a way that encouraged socializing and mingling.

The students were dressed in their finest attire, with the girls looking stunning in their elegant gowns and the boys looking dashing in their suits and ties. The air was filled with the sweet scent of perfume and the sound of laughter and chatter.

As James and Sandra entered the hall, all eyes were on them. They made a stunning couple, with James looking handsome in his black tuxedo and Sandra looking beautiful in her red gown. They walked into the hall with confidence, their heads held high, and their smiles radiant.

Boyd, who was standing by the DJ booth, caught James' eye and gave him a thumbs up. James smiled and nodded in appreciation, feeling grateful to have a friend like Boyd who had his back.

As the night wore on, the music got louder and the dancing got more intense. James and Sandra danced together, their bodies moving in perfect sync. They laughed and joked, having the best time of their lives. "I want to take a leak." James said it with a smile. He adjusted his spectacles as he walked into the illuminating light in front of him. 

Stiles and his companions formed a circle around him. "I am not fighting you, James. I just need the glasses, and we can be on our way." 

Meanwhile, Sandra had followed him, trying to get a chance to jump him, but she was surprised Stiles had beaten her to it. "I don't want to hurt any of you." James looked at them, folding his shirt. They all came at James with clubs and sticks as they brutally beat him to the floor. Suddenly, everything stopped. James got up and noticed none of them were moving. 

He looked at his body and noticed he was still on the ground. He had emerged from his body, leaving his own flesh on the ground. "Is this really going to happen to me? Can I stop this from happening?" James saw that he didn't have that chance to fight back. He looked and saw Sandra hiding. "Is she planning to help, or has she wanted the glasses all along?" James soliloquy and was looking at Sandra from where she was hiding. It was more of a movie than reality. Suddenly the time played itself out, and James was back at the hall. "I want to take a leak." He said it into Sandra's ears. With a sinister smile playing on his lips, 

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