chapter ten

James walked out of Sandra's presence and changed course, walking towards the darkest corner of the school premises. He was tired of being pushed here and there, and he was going to make everyone that ever bullied him pay. "Follow him," Stiles said beneath his breath. The bullies are now taking off their jumpsuits and jackets as they trailer behind James, who walked as if he didn't know what was happening.

The sound of the music faded away as James kept walking towards the inner part of the school premises. "What is he doing?" Mark asked, looking at Stiles, who wasn't bothered by the fact that James was trying to buy himself some time.

Sandra tiptoed behind them as they all walked, and each time she tried to hide out of plain sight. She knew the spectacles would eventually get into Stiles hands. All she needed was to jump him and have it.

James stopped and opened his pants to take a leak. The sound of his pee dropping to the green grass could be heard. His spectacle shining in the dim light as the whole place was illuminated by the light coming from the moon above. He zipped up his pants and turned to meet the face of Stiles and his bullies. "What do you want?" James asked, acting all innocent and wasn't scared at all.

"Did you see that?" Stiles said it with laughter. "I can see you are not scared at all. I thought the beat would have gotten to you, but you look like you could take more. Isn't that right?" Stiles shouted, looking at the bullies.

Many of the school bullies were also from affluent and rich homes. They all feared James, so they decided to be his puppet rather than being bullied. "You don't want to do this, trust me." James replied with a smirk on his face.

"And you are going to do what? For a boy whose mother just died, don't you think you need to be careful here in the city? If I remember well,you are now an orphan with no one to look after you." Mark jeered

"You will not bring my mother into any of this. You don't know her, and I will not let you ridicule her name." James shouted, clenching his fist in anger.

He could feel his rage boiling inside of him and the spectacle taking effect. "Well, we don't need to beat the hell out of you anymore. I need just one thing. Give that to me, and you can be on your way. I will just pretend that we were never here." Stiles removed a dagger from his pocket, trying to scare James.

"And what would that be, if I may ask?" James looked at him from behind the glasses.

"You know what I want. Stop playing dumb with me!" Stiles shouted again.

The bullies had all wanted to ask Stiles why they needed to beat James up. There were many spectacles that were more costly and fashionable than what he was putting on. They all wondered why Stiles wanted it.

"Why don't you come and get it?" Jaws said this with a smile playing on his lips. He looked ahead and saw Sandra hiding in a corner of the hall. One of the bullies ran forward to get the spectacle from James, and he landed a huge blow to his face, knocking him out.

"Where did you get all these riff-raffs? Don't tell me they cannot do something as simple as getting that spectacle from him." Stiles said with anger, looking at Mark.

James laughed, seeing the frustration on his face. He knew Stikes was just following his father's order. He wasn't who he wanted, but James was ready to train hard and find out the real reason why his father and mother had to die protecting the glasses. Stiles was just getting in his way.

"All of you should have a go at him!" Stiles shouted, and all the bullies came at me, including Mark. For a moment, I felt like my body couldn't move. My heart thud as the scream and shout of the bullies got closer. I felt the adrenaline kick in, and my body began to move itself, defending each blow and moving by itself. I gave a blow to one of Stiles minions, and he flew backward, hitting his head against the pillar behind him. " Sorry!" I shouted, trying to fend off the other attacks.

I opened my mouth in awe seeing that I could fight well with the aid of the glasses.

" How is he able to do that?" Mark asked looking at Stiles who was equally surprised. " Don't ask me stupid questions. We both are here. We need to get that from him." He looked at Mark

" You go ahead, I am right behind you." Mark said with a shaky voice. The groan and wail of the bullies were loud enough like some broken gramophone. I sat on one of them looking at Stiles . " We just need to get the glasses from his face." Stiles reminded mark as they got closer to me

" Are you going to attack me or are you just going to stand there and keep looking at me like some zombie?" I said laughing. The boy I sat on groaned, I stood up and gave him a blow to his stomach sending him backward. He landed on the floor clutching at his stomach while I looked up to face Stiles and Mark. It was obvious I was enjoying myself.

I remembered how I was beaten blue-black and left in the rain to die. Well, I wasn't going to die from being soaked by the rain, but I was beating enough to die. "Who is coming first?" I asked again. Stiles rolled up his clothes and charged towards me. I noticed he was a good fighter from his reflexes and movement. " Wow! I didn't know you were a good fighter." I said, clapping my hands. The little time we used to spar, the spectacle had calculated all his moves, and I was back to the time before we started the fight. "Come at me again." he said laughing

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