chapter eleven

Stiles plunged at James, and he dodged all the attacks, making him weary. He looked at him and laughed. "I'm getting tired already." James taunted Stiles, making him come at him in anger. The spectacle cannot only see the future but can also discern attacks and how to counter them. When James was sure Stiles was tired, he began to attack, violently beating the hell out of him. Stiles landed on the floor with his mouth stained with blood. "You are not going to get away with this." He shouted, staring at James. 

"And who is going to stop me?" James asked, laughing. "Your father, or your father?" He shouted out loud, making sure Sandra heard him. 

"You still don't get the fire at play here. I am not the villain. Your father is. You need to stop blaming me and blame him for raising a brat like you." James finally said that and kicked Stiles on the chin. He landed with a bash on the floor and passed out. 

Mark rushed at James from behind and landed a heavy iron on his head. James felt startled; he had forgotten completely about Mark. He turned back to face him as blood trickled down from the cut. "You are making a mistake. Why are you in leagues with him?" James asked, looking at Stiles, who had passed out on the floor. "Do you think he can protect you from me? Compare what I am going to do to work rather than what he is going to do to you," he said with anger. 

Mark's hand shook as the sound of the iron bar fell to the ground. "Good boy," he said with a smile. James looked around and saw the bullies all sprawling on the floor. "You are not going to tell the school authorities that I did this, will you?" he asked, looking at Mark, who was shaking like a jellyfish. He shook his head, and James smiled, satisfied with himself.

He was about to walk away and go back to the party, ignoring Sandra, but then he felt another energy around him. His heart beat fast against his rib cages. A clap echoed through the hallway, and Sandra immediately hid into total darkness. " Bravo. That was fantastic." Stiles father walked out with some other guys behind him. 

James looked around, and there was nobody to call on for help. "You do know that was a cheat, right?" Luke said he was walking out with his own spectacles on. 

" Really? Don't tell me you have been there looking at your son's ass getting kicked." James said, looking at the psycho right in front of him. "Well, I can't help it. I see you are putting your powers to good use." Luke taunted 

"What powers? This is just a spectacle, if you ask me. I can see you have yours too." James replied, walking backward. "So why are you here? Don't tell me you are going to beat up a teenager just to avenge your son." 

"Break a teenager? Look around you. You successfully beat up six teenage boys all by yourself. Are you still claiming you are in the right?" Luke barked 

"What do you want?" James shouted back. He looked around, trying to find an escape route. 

"What do I want? You know what I want, kid, and I would go to any length to have it, even if it meant killing you." Luke flashes a set of white teeth.

"Like you killed my mother?" James said it with anger in his voice. The energy pulsated as the spectacles released more power into his body.

"You can avenge her if you want. I am here in flesh and blood." Luke taunted 

James wanted to push forward to attack Luke, but the spectacles power wasn't allowing him  to either. "You are not ready, kid. Just give me the spectacle." Luke said, noticing he couldn't move against his wish. 

"Let me go!" James shouted, and he suddenly broke free from the power holding him down. He plunged at Luke, and it was like he had anticipated all his moves. 

Luke dodged every blow; it was well calculated as he smiled, looking at James. He landed a slap on his face, making him feel less than him. "You dare try to use your powers on me!" He shouted at his face. 

James tried to grab his breath as he looked at Luke. It was obvious that the spectacle on his face was helping him. "So much talk; why don't you come at me?" James said it angrily. He was determined to make Luke pay, but he wasn't sure how to attack him. "I need to get the spectacle off his face," Jake said to himself. 

Luke, feeling he had the upper hand, launched at James and landed another blow, sending him back. " Ah!" James shouted as he landed on his butt. "If you think you are a match for me, then you are wrong." 

James got up, and his movements became swift. He launched at Luke and landed a super kick to his face. Luke touched the affected part and saw blood oozing out of the cut. Impossible,""he said, slowly looking at the energy radiating around James body. It was obvious the spectacle was now bonding with him. "Get him!" Luke shouted with anger, touching his cheeks. 

James took to his heels as he tried to run back to the party. He knew the party was crowded, and he would be able to escape without being seen. As he ran, he saw Sandra watching what was going on. James got to the party, looked around, and as many of the students avoided him like he was some plague. Hiswhite suit was stained with dirt, and he was looking rough. James decided to leave the main campus. He ran towards the gate, but he didn't see the oncoming vehicle right in front of him. The incoming vehicle hit James, sending him off the ground. For a moment, time stood still as James landed on the ground with his backbone broken. 

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