chapter twelve

The humming sound of the car made James open his eyes. "Thank God!" a voice said beside him. "I thought you were dead." 

James looked at the person beside him and could smell wealth off of him. He was nicely clothed, and he had a nice fragrance coming off his body. He stared around and saw a lot of people staring at him. "Is he dead?" One of them asked. "He just opened his eyes. I don't think he is," another replied. 

"That was quite a knock. Any human would be dead. I wonder how he survived." Another added 


The rich man, who introduced himself as Reginald, was a tall, imposing figure with a commanding presence. He was dressed in a tailored navy blue suit with a crisp white shirt and a patterned tie. His dark hair was slicked back, revealing a prominent forehead and piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore into James' soul. A hint of expensive cologne wafted from his direction, mingling with the scent of fine leather from his polished shoes.


Reginald's features were chiseled, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline that spoke of good breeding and genetics. A gold watch glinted on his wrist, and a diamond ring sparkled on his pinky finger, further emphasizing his wealth and status.


Despite his refined appearance, there was something unsettling about Reginald—a sense of entitlement and arrogance that made James feel uneasy. His smile, while charming, seemed to hide a calculating glint in his eye, as if he were constantly assessing and evaluating those around him.


As James struggled to sit up, Reginald offered him a manicured hand, his grip firm but not crushing. "Easy there, old chap," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "You've had quite a knock. I was starting to think I'd have to call for an ambulance." Reginald replied, helping James get up to his feet. "Can you walk?" He asked, staring at him 


James remembered he was being chased and immediately glanced around. "Can you get me out of here?" James said it quickly. "Easy, chap. You need to see a doctor. I would have sworn I had a bone break in your body." Reginald looked at James, who seemed fine. 

"I don't feel any pain. I am fine." James quickly replied. He glanced across the street, and he saw Luke staring at him. 


"Very well, enter." Reginald asked one of his men to open the door for him, and they immediately drove away. James heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Reginald. "Thank you," he said with a smile. Reginald nodded with a sinister smile on his face. James looked at him, and for some reason, something didn't feel right about him. 

"You look like you are running away from someone, or should I say something?" Reginald looked through the window and stared back at James, who still had the spectacle on. 


"I am fine. I wasn't running, actually. I needed to go see a movie, and I was late." James lied 

"You wanted to see a movie, and you weren't that patient?" Reginald looked at him and smirked. He knew James was lying, and the spectacle that he was having was quite different. "Where did you get that? I noticed that when you fall, it manages to stay on your face without falling off." 


James pretended like he didn't hear what Mr. Reginald said. "Would you like to see my house? It is just a few blocks down the road. We are almost there." Reginald said with a smile and adjusted himself to the seat. 

James looked at him and smiled; he knew he was in trouble once more. He didn't know what Mr. Reginald wanted from him, but he was ready for a fight. 


They got down in front of a big mansion, and James stood fixed to a spot. He had never seen such a magnificent mansion before. He and his mother had hoped from one indecent house to another, but what was. before him was paradise on earth.


As James stepped out of the car, he couldn't help but gaze in awe at the grandeur before him. The mansion loomed large, its towering spires and turrets reaching towards the sky like giant fists. The exterior walls were crafted from gleaming white stone, adorned with intricate carvings and ornate balconies that seemed to dance across the facade.


The entrance was a sweeping archway, flanked by twin marble statues of mythical creatures that seemed to guard the doorway. The massive wooden doors, polished to a warm sheen, swung open with a soft creak, revealing a cavernous foyer that seemed to stretch on forever.


James' eyes widened as he stepped inside, his gaze drinking in the opulence that surrounded him. Crystal chandeliers refracted rainbow hues across the walls, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the polished marble floor. A sweeping staircase curved upwards, its banister adorned with delicate filigree, like a golden ribbon unwinding towards the heavens.


To one side, a vast library beckoned, its shelves stretching from floor to ceiling, lined with leather-bound tomes and ancient manuscripts that seemed to whisper secrets to each other. Opposite, a glittering chandelier hung above a formal dining table, set with fine china and crystal glasses that sparkled like diamonds in the soft light.


As James followed Reginald deeper into the mansion, he caught glimpses of a sunlit conservatory, filled with exotic blooms and towering palms, and a music room, where a polished grand piano seemed to wait expectantly for the touch of skilled fingers.


Every step revealed a new wonder, a new marvel of architecture and design that left James breathless and bewildered. He had never seen such luxury, such extravagance, and a part of him wondered what secrets lay hidden behind the mansion's imposing walls.

"DDo you like what you are seeing?" Reginald asked, walking ahead of him. James trailed behind him with a smile on his face. As they walked in, James was even more stunned. He looked towards the dining room, and he saw a lady seated with her hair cascading down her back. "Is that your daughter?" James asked 

"Yes, she is. Sandra, greet our new guest." Reginald said with a wide grin. 

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