chapter thirteen

James was shocked to see that Sandra was Reginald's daughter. He knew something was off the moment they met, but he wasn't expecting this. "Did you approach me purposely?" James lifted his head and looked at Reginald, who was taking off his clothes. "Mr. James, calm down. I don't have a reason to hurt you. At least not now." Mr. Reginald said he was walking towards the bar shelf, where lots of whiskey and exotic wines were arranged. "Do you care for one?" he asked, grabbing two glass cups. "I don't drink." James replied, his face looking pale. His memories juggled back, and he remembered he had seen Mr. Reginald's, who was Frank's boss.

"You might need a drink." Reginald replied, walking towards the table. "What do you want with me?" James asked, trying to calm his nerves. He hasn't seen Mr. Reginald put on any glasses, so he knew he wouldn't be a threat whatsoever. But the guards he was having around might try to stop him. "Why am I here?" James asked again. 

Reginald poured the wine into the glass cup and threw some ice in it. He looked at Sandra and offered her a glass cup too. "First thing first. That spectacle you have belongs to me, and I would do anything to have it back. Name your price." Reginald said with a serious face. 

" What? Do you think I would be so stupid to sell the only thing left of my parents? You have them killed, you bastard." James shouted. "I killed them? You don't know what you are getting yourself into, boy. All of this is way bigger than you thought. Have you ever wondered why your mother was always on the run with you? Why do you have no place to go?" Reginald relaxed in the comfy chair he was sitting on. 

It was obvious that James had little answers to everything. "I am sure she didn't tell you everything that you need to know, but I can protect and guide you. We can be a team and rule the world." Reginald said again with a tender voice, trying to win James over with his nice speech. 

"And why would I trust a man who had my mother killed? Don't you feel sorry, or you are just shameless." James said it with an annoyance. 

Sandra tapped the glass cup with her polished black nails and raised her eyelid gently. "You should learn how to speak. You are talking to my father, you know." She said it with anger. 

"Then he should respect boundaries and stop talking about my mother casually. You don't know her or what she had to give up for me to live. So how dare you talk about her in such manners?" James looked at both Sandra and Reginald. 

"I am not here to fight you, and this will go both ways. You are either taking my offer or you are going to be carried out of this mansion in a body bag." Mr. Reginald threatened James. 


"Oh really? And why do you think I would accept your offer? I could easily kill you where you stand." James said it with a smirk on his face. He knew Frank was just following orders, and he must have been following Mr. Reginald's. "Let's hear your offer." James said he was relaxing now and grabbing his drink. 

"Smart boy. I knew you were smarter than your mother. It all comes down to how much I am willing to pay. So,tell me. How much do you want for it?" Reginald asked, staring at the teenage boy right in front of him. 

"You do know the spectacle is priceless. If I ask for a blank check, then it is definitely worth it. I am going to be asking for £123,000,000." James said, flashing a set of white teeth at Reginald. "That the fuck! Are you crazy?" Sandra shouted at James. The money he was asking for was unreasonable, making Mr. Reginald also scared. "What did you say?" He asked, adjusting himself to the chair. "You do know that is too much, right?" He said it with anger in his voice.

"It is clear that you don't know the worth of what you are asking me to give to you. Do you think I would just release that to you without something worthy of it?" James asked 

The tension was at its peak with Mr. Reginald looking at James. "Where is it? I could easily kill you where you sit and collect the spectacles. I don't need to give in to your ridiculous amount of money," he snapped at James and relaxed again. "I killed your mother. Killing you is no different." 

James clenched the glass cup he was holding, and it broke into pieces. "Are you threatening me, Mr. Reginald? Is that a threat?" 

"Well, it could be if you are unreasonable with your demands."

James knew he was caught in Mr. Reginald's trap already. He needed a plan—a way out of the lions den unscathed. 

James dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out the spectacle. He knew he would be able to have a glance into the future. All he needed was to place it on his face. 

"You don't want to do that, kid. Tell me what you need from me. The money, how about I give you half of it and I pay you the other half when I am sure it is legit?" Reginald offered 

"And why do I have to lie about it being fake? Why don't I put it on, and then you can see for yourself?" James said with a smirk. 

"You don't want to walk that bridge, trust me. Just put it where I can see it." Reginald replied 

"Make sure he doesn't put it on." He ordered one of his guards, who immediately brought out a gun and pointed it towards me.I knew a moving bullet was fast, but I wanted to see the limit of my powers. I was going to try bringing down the stars, just trying to see the extent to which the spectacle power was ready to go. 

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