chapter fourteen

James stared at Sandra, and god, she was beautiful. The way the rays of the sun caught her skin highlighted her flawless complexion, like a masterpiece painted by the gods themselves. Her skin was a radiant canvas of golden brown, smooth and unblemished, inviting my gaze to linger. The sun's rays danced across her features, accentuating the sharp angles of her cheekbones, the gentle curve of her nose, and the fullness of her lips.

Her eyes sparkled like diamonds, shining bright with a warmth and kindness that drew me in. They were pools of deep brown, fringed with thick lashes that fluttered like butterfly wings as she blinked. Her gaze met mine, and James felt a jolt of electricity run through his veins, as if the very fabric of the universe had shifted to bring us together.

Her hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of night, rich and dark, with hints of auburn that caught the light. It framed her face, accentuating her heart-shaped beauty, and fell in loose waves down her back, inviting his touch.

Her smile was a work of art, a gentle curve of her lips that hinted at secrets and mysteries beyond James wildest dreams. It was a smile that could light up a room, that could calm the most troubled of souls, and that could ignite a fire that would burn bright and true. But at least she wasn't someone I could be with. 

Reginald walked out with a checkbook and looked at me again. "How much did you say you wanted?" He asked, clicking his ball pen. Before he could finish his statement, James put on the spectacle. His curiosity got the best of him, and he wanted to see what was going to happen. 

He felt a jolt of electric current hit my skin, and he wondered why he felt that way each time he put it on. 

But it felt good to be able to see the future. To know what was coming for you next.James vowed that he would never die like my mother and father.

He was going to be the greatest hero the world has ever known, and he was going to put an end to everyone who stood in the way of that.One of the guards fired a bullet at me, and it pierced through his head.

James saw the wicked smile on Mr. Reginald's face and how he had laughed seeing him lay lifelessly on the floor. 

He knew he had to think of something and divert the future if he needed to put on the spectacle. Mr. Reginald will never allow him to go out with it. 

"Can I use the restroom?" James asked, standing up to his feet. "Of course, one of my guards will escort you and make sure he doesn't run away. This one is a sly fox." He said he was looking at the man in a black suit, and he was wearing a shade one. 

James could hear Sandra talking with her father about the possibility of what he was going to do with the power. 

He locked the toilet at the back and racked his brain. He knew there was more the spectacle could do if only he knew how to trigger its power. 

James knocked on the door, and the guard opened it, but he was fast; he plunged at him and knocked him off. James quietly tip-toed through the front door, and he was about to get to the main door when he heard a cold, husky voice behind him. "And where the hell did you think you were going? The main room is by that side." He pointed at the other end of the hallway. 

James froze and saw that he had no choice. He had to fight his way out of Mr. Reginald's mansion. 

Have you ever wondered how it feels to know the exact way you are going to die? The adrenaline that pumps out of your heart and the unnecessary sweat and farting? 

That was exactly what he was feeling. James began to sweat. "Mr. Reginald said I could go. I think we are done with Sandra's assignment. I am a tutor." James lied 

"Stay there while I confirm if any of your statements are true." The man said this using his walkie-talkie. He was about to make the call when James gave him a blow, knocking him out cold.

The loud thud on the floor made Mr. Reginald and Sandra look at themselves. "He should be back by now. What is keeping him?" Sandra looked at her father's face. She ran towards the restroom and saw the guard on the floor. "He has escaped." Sandra ran to the living room. 

"I knew that the son of a bitch was going to be cunning. I am going to make him pay." Reginald grabbed his talkie and alerted all his guards. "Bring him here now. I don't want anything to happen to the spectacle." He gave his order. 

The alarm sounded, and the entire mansion was under siege. " Fuck!" James shouted, seeing that he asked about being trapped in the mansion. "What do I do?" He said he was looking around. The sound of footsteps approaching him was heard. James looked at the man before him, and an idea came to his mind. He dragged him into one of the rooms and exchanged clothes with him. James walked out with his sunglasses on, and he was wearing a black suit. "Where are you coming from? Didn't you hear the alarm bell? We need to find him now!" One of the guards shouted, and James ran alongside him. 

The house was in uproar as they all searched for James. After a while, they all assembled before Mr. Reginald, who was looking more angry than ever. "I brought him here, and you fools lost him. Wait, are you seriously telling me you couldn't find a teenage boy who doesn't know his way around my house? Why am I paying you that much money if you can discharge your duties?" Reginald shouted, and before James could look in his direction, a loud bash was heard. One of the guards fell to the floor, and his blood flowed towards James feet.

Fear gripped him as his whole body shook violently.

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