chapter fifteen

James looked at the ground and felt it could have been him. He looked at the blood following him, and his face went pale. He was just mastering the power of the glasses, and he was sure there would always be a repercussion if he missed the power. "Tell me you didn't miss him and let him escape." Reginald shouted in anger and pointed the baton at each one of them. The men all stood still without saying a word. They knew talking would only make him more angry and pissed off. 

Reginald stroked again, and this time around, the men heard the croak and breaking sound of the man's skull. Reginald was indeed angry, but he was killing his men in the process. 

James was the next in line. He felt like coming clean and telling Reginald that he was the man standing before him, but he couldn't bring himself to tell him. James wished the glasses could just perform a miracle. The glasses had always taken time to rebuild once he used their energy. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you." Reginald shouted into James face, and he froze. 

"How old are you, kid?" He asked, judging from the stature of James. 

James was about to talk when Frank walked in. His face was a little battered from the kick James had landed on his whole back. "I asked you to do a simple thing, and you messed up. Are you telling me that the boy is now stronger than you are?" Reginald looked at Frank. 

"Can you let them go? It is obvious the boy is not only smart, but he is also using his wit. We need to think ahead of him if we want to have the spectacle." Frank said he was taking a seat in front of James. "Imagine seeing this horrible sight. Let them go, boss." He said it with a smirk. 

Reginald dropped the baton to the ground and looked at Frank. "Tell me you have an idea of getting the spectacle from him." 

"Let the men leave, then we can talk at length." Frank replied, hiding his scars. 

"Get out! leave!"  Reginald shouted at his men. James had a sigh of relief as he walked away from Reginald's presence. He was about to walk out when he heard his voice again. "Don't tell me you are not going to clean up this mess." 

James turned and looked back. He was always scared of blood, and seeing one up close would definitely make him faint. "Come and get them out of my sight." Reginald ordered 

James stood still, looking at him. "Are you deaf?" Reginald barked again, and two of his men ran forward. James followed behind as they dragged the dead men out. 

"If you kill all of them, who will remain on your side?" Frank looked at Reginald, whose hair was now scattered. He dropped the baton to the ground as Sandra moved closer to him with a piece of white handkerchief.

He looked at Stiles, whose face was battered and had contours. "Can you take him to the infirmary to get treated? He looks like a toad. Did James do this to him too?" Reginald asked, almost laughing at the sight of his face. 

Frank nodded and watched as Stiles and Sandra walked out. "I am all ears. What is your plan? And it had better be good. Are you getting sloppy, Frank? I know you could have the spectacle by now if you wanted to. Are you having a second thought about this? We need to act fast before they get to know its power and come for it. Imagine what we could accomplish with that power. Do you know how long we have been trying to get our hands on it before fate finally brings it down to our city?" 

Frank looked at him and cracked his knuckles. "I know what we need to do, but what I saw today made me a little scared." 

Reginald looked back at him as he got up to pour both of them a drink. "What did you see, and don't you dare tell me you are having chicken feet?" 

"No, far from it. The spectacle doesn't bond with its host. But in that boy's case, it did." Frank looked up to meet Reginald's gaze. "Are you sure? If what you are saying is true, then we are seriously fucked." 


"I can't believe you just stood there and watched as I got beaten by that stupid boy." Stiles winced as Sandra applied ointment to his face. "You need to know James is above your league. He has what you don't." Sandra said it with a smile on her face. "And what is it that he had that I don't? Whose side are you on?" Stiles asked, gently taking back Sandra's hand from his face.

" Sides? I am not on anyone's side. I just want what is best for my father. Whatever he managed to get before he died is mine, and I would inherit everything he had." Sandra said, looking into Stile's face. She had always known Stiles loved her, but she wasn't into Stiles. Sandra could see right into Frank and knew he was after the same power her own father wanted. 

"I want you to be with me, Sandra. I love you, and I know you do. What is stopping us from being together?" Stiles asked, gently sliding his hands on Sandra's thigh. 

"I don't like you, and I never will. Your father is a cheat, and I see right through him. All he wants is power for himself. You think I am too daft to see right through all of that." She looked at Stiles, throwing down the white cotton. "Clean up yourself." She said it in anger as she walked out on him..


James had just finished with the men. He decided to walk towards the gate and leave the mansion. He heard a voice behind him, and he froze. "Did you ask for permission before leaving?" A female voice asked 

Suddenly, they heard the men talking about one of the guards who was beating and naked. James knew he had to leave the mansion or his cover would be blown. 

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