chapter sixteen

"You need to see this, Miss Sandra." One of the men approached her, giving James the chance to find the exit. Sandra walked in and saw that the man was naked. ' Close down the entire mansion. That means he had been here all along." She said it with a smile on her face. Sandra had always been looking for an opportunity to get her father's approval, and catching James was a start. The alarm for the closing of the entire house sounded, and it was immediately shut down. "Look for him and find him. I want him dragged here with his ears." Sandra shouted 

James had taken off the cloth and was on his way home. He touched his pocket, and the spectacle was still there. He knew he needed a change of apartment. He needs to move to a place where no one knows who he is or where he can train using his powers. James replayed what he had witnessed inside Reginald's mansion, and he knew the type of man he was. He was going to make him pay for everything he had done to his parents and everyone he had hurt. 

James wiped the tears off his face, knowing he had the chance to end the man who killed his parents but couldn't. He was going to make Sandra's life miserable, and he knew the best way to do it. 



Frank and Reginald discussed, and it was agreed upon to kill James if he had successfully bonded with the system. Sandra, on the other hand, planned on getting closer to James, even if it meant sleeping with him, to get her hands on the spectacles. The race for the ultimate power was in motion, and the men were ready to give it their best to have it. Stiles, on the other hand, felt betrayed that Mark would fall before James and pledge allegiance to him. 

He was going to make him wish he had never turned his back on him. 


James couldn't sleep that night. Ashe kept seeing flashes of images right before him. The spectacle was trying to communicate with him. James woke up from bed swearing profusely. He was able to see the past, but it wasn't his. "What are you trying to tell me?" James said he was slowly getting out of bed. He looked at the wall clock on the wall and saw that it was nearly dawn. 

James decided to go for a jog. He needed to stay fit and do a bit of exercise. He wanted to clear his mind and thoughts. Grabbing his old earpod and phone, he jogged into the street and ran. James could feel himself sprinting and moving faster than any human could. He paused after a while, trying to see how far he had gone, and noticed he was nowhere near home. He was indeed far from home. 

"Is this what peers really get like?" James said, slowly looking at his body. He could feel the spectacles power inside of him, and it felt good. 

James needed answers on how to harness the power of the spectacle. He walked to the top of the mountain right in front of him, sat down in a yoga pose, and shut his eyes. He listened to the sound of the moving air until everything became quiet. James opened his eyes and noticed he was in another world entirely. He got up and walked into the street.

"Where the hell am I?" James spoke slowly, and he heard a voice. ' You are in the past. You are here to witness what would happen if the power of the spectacle fell into the wrong hands and why the last weilder was killed. 

"The last weilder? What are you talking about?" James said that and touched his face. He noticed he still had the spectacle on his face. Before he could blink, he was in a dark room. The breath of a man was heard, and it looked like he was dying. The door opened, and some men walked in and dragged him out. He was pushed before a man who was smoking a large cigar. 

"Tell me where you hid it!" He shouted at the man, whose face had been battered. It looked like he was almost dying. 

"I will never tell you. You are going to have to kill me for me to tell you what you need to know." He shouted and spat at his face. The ma landed a huge blow to his stomach, and he vomited some fluid. "Why do I have to kill you when I can kill your wife and children right in front of you? I think you will be more than willing to talk by then. Get his wife and children. I got them here before nightfall. Return him back to his cell." Carlos shouted to him, man. 

James stood watching and still didn't understand what was happening. "What is going on, and who are these men?" James asked, folding the man they were dragging back into the cage. 

"Carlos is the kingpin, and he has all sorts of spectacle. He needs the last one to become the lord and king of both the past and present. He wants the power to control the time. Imagine what he could become with that power. He is going to be unstoppable, and many will fall to his knees," the voice said again. 

"Why are you not helping your wife?" He needs you right now." James said, looking pitifully at the man before him. "I wanted to help, but it was his fate to die for the spectacle to be with the rightful owner." The voice replied again.

"Are you talking about me?" James spoke slowly. 

"I need you to know we are one, and I am going to protect you, but first you need to know who your enemies are. You are real enemies." The voice came at James again, and he felt scared. 

" Who

are my enemies?" He asked slowly. 

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