Chapter LIII

Yet again, just right as, the ghost, as they thought of her was about to leave, they were in for another strike. They saw what could be best described as yet another ghost walk right through the front doors into the precinct to snatch away the slight goodness that had been left of their home. The captain’s eyes got to this ghost first. As he approached them, they all could not help but stare without a sound.

The ghost was none other but Paul James. His masculine body said it all as he walked across the floor. His physique was just right for him to be crowned Mr. Credonia if their vote was all that counted. His suit was beyond description for being a detective. Did I just say detective? Of course, he was detective John’s replacement. It was about time the precinct got some detectives around once more.

Instead of searching for David’s number in his phone to make the call, he had just found a more compelling task. He just held his phone as his brain did

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