Chapter LXXIII

The following morning, everybody was present at the precinct to work on the double homicide. This time, the two bodies were not taken to the KCTRH morgue but remained at the KCP precinct forensics lab for the autopsy and fast reference. The case was growing bigger by the day and the last thing they needed was to waste time driving to the KCTRH morgue for results, or, Ruddick doing the same just to give a report.

They also wanted to minimize on the telephone communications as much as possible with David out there and after what had happened to Morris and his girlfriend. Even Peterson was present that morning. The only missing person was their current suspect, David. As they waited for reports from Ruddick, Matthew too was trying to follow any possible lead they could get to solve the case.

The others as well did not just stay. They also had theories that only needed a word from Matthew or Ruddick to confirm. Apart from David being the Clairvoyant, they suspected that, h

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