Chapter 4

James Johnson had heard of Peter Causey several times, he knew the man had a string of rape cases on his hands. As much as he wanted to let her deal with it herself if she damn well pleased, he could not help but worry.

The man was a serial womanizer and always managed to maneuver his way out of jail and never faced punishment for his actions. Sarah was a beautiful woman, and with the dress she was wearing, she would only give herself away as a whole meal to be eaten.

He waited for her to leave before sneaking out behind her. As soon as he saw the red limousine leave the hotel grounds, he got into the yellow minicab and asked the driver to follow closely behind the limousine.

"Is something wrong, sir?" The white-bearded driver with a southern accent asked him as he drove, looking at James through the rearview mirror.

"No, everything is fine, just follow the car closely and stay out of sight. I'll take care of it from there," James replied.

"Okay, sir, if you are sure," the cabbie said, nodding his head.After several turns and crossroads, Johnson watched as they drove away from the business of the city onto a quiet road surrounded by woods. It was hard not to notice the huge building standing out in all its lights and glory.

"Don't get too close," James told the driver when they were about five minutes from the gate. They watched as the security guard stopped the red limousine, and with a pull of an ID card, the guard opened the gate and let the limousine through.

"Here, I'll take it from here. Thank you," James said, handing the driver a stack of dollar bills.

"Sir..." The driver called after him as he got out of the car to make his change. James heard him call but he was not interested in going back, he wanted the driver to keep what was left and so he ignored his voice.

James walked to the gate exactly five minutes from where the taxi had stopped. Just like the red limousine, the security guard stopped him.

"Sorry, sir. This place is for VIP only." the guard said.

I used to be your VIP.James said, “But you can’t find my name in the system now for some reasons.”

“I doubt it, Sir.” The guard answered. His gaze scanned James from top to bottom.

James knew how he looked, dressed in a tracksuit bought from Walmart, sharply contrasting with the security guard's Armani suit. But it still made him burn with anger.

This hypocritical place. A place where one's identity is defined by their clothing!

"You don't understand. This is emergency. I need to get in there. There will be people to explain it to you."

The guard became angry and dared to pull out his baton.

" Sir, I don't want to have to use this, get out of here. We do not need a nuisance on the premises," the guard threatened again.

James sighed. He didn't want to reveal his secret identity so soon. But it was an emergency.

He opened his cell phone and scrolled to a number.

"This is James Johnson," he said into the phone, his voice hoarse.

A shout came from the other end of the phone, "Master James!

"No time for small talk. I need you to look up information on someone right away. Peter Causey, currently staying at the Grand Hotel. I need to get to his room right away. My wife is with him."

"Yes, Master."

James handed the phone in his hand to the security man. He trusted his man. The phone was handed to the manager.

The security guard took the phone with a look of disdain. But when he answered the call, his whole expression immediately turned to respect.

When he hung up the phone, his look at James had changed from surprise to confusion. He said respectfully to James,

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Johnson. I had no idea it was you standing there."

But James was no longer in the mood to deal with his situation. With an inferno of anger, James walked through the gate.

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