Chapter 40

The old temple stood before them, its ancient stones cloaked in shadows and overgrown with creeping vines. The celestial light, filtering through the gaps in the overhang and casting an eerie glow on the stonework, made the atmosphere even more surreal. Victor led the way, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger or traps.

Selene was close behind, her fingers subtly tracing protective runes in the air as they walked, creating a barrier to shield them from any magical attacks. Lucian and Orpheus took up the rear, their senses alert for any movement or hidden threats.

As they approached the entrance, Victor signaled for everyone to stop. The temple's heavy wooden doors were partially ajar, allowing faint light and the sound of chanting to seep through. Victor pressed his ear to the door, listening to the rhythmic incantations that filled the space inside.

"Ready?" Victor whispered, turning to his team. They nodded in unison, their faces set with grim determination.

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