Chapter 47

The team settled into a new routine at the safehouse, balancing their daily operations with their ongoing mission to protect the Obsidian Heart. Each member of the team continued their efforts to gather intelligence and strengthen their defenses, aware that the threat from the cult remained ever-present.

One evening, as Victor reviewed recent reports, Selene burst into the room, her face flushed with excitement. “Victor, you need to see this. I’ve been analyzing the magical energy patterns from the ritual, and I’ve found something unusual.”

Victor looked up from his desk. “What have you discovered?”

Selene spread out a set of charts and diagrams on the table. “The energy signatures we encountered at the temple are connected to a series of ley lines running through the city. There’s a significant convergence point at an old mansion on the edge of town.”

Victor studied the diagrams, his expression thoughtful. “Ley lines are ancient channels of magical energy. If the cult is harnessing t
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