Chapter 48

In the days that followed, Victor and his team kept up their relentless efforts to track down the remaining members of the cult and dismantle their operations. Despite the defeat of the Harbinger, they knew that the cult still posed a significant threat, and they were determined to prevent any resurgence of dark magic in the city.

One evening, as they were reviewing their progress, Selene noticed something unusual in the reports she had been analyzing. “Victor, there’s a pattern here,” she said, pointing to a series of incidents that had occurred across the city. “These disturbances all align with key points along the ley lines. It’s as if someone is trying to reactivate the energy flow.”

Victor leaned in to study the reports. “If they’re trying to restore the energy at these points, they could be planning something even bigger than the ritual we stopped. We need to find out who’s behind this and what their endgame is.”

Lucian, who had been working on a separate investigation, added,
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