Alex sighed and took a deep breath, looking straight ahead.

“Why are you giving me that expression? My son is not dead, he's not dead. Don't tell me he's dead, please,” Eleanor whispered, tears of heartbreak streaming down her face.

Ariella began to whimper too, filling Alex with confusion.

He rubbed his baby's back, trying to soothe her, while simultaneously trying to comfort Eleanor.

He pulled her into his arms, holding both of them tightly.

“Ariel is not dead. He's still alive,” he whispered soothingly, attempting to stop the grieving Eleanor, who was already shedding a bucketful of tears.

“Just tell me the truth, don't give me false hope. Have you found my son?” She asked, her eyes looking up at him.

Alex immediately nodded.

“I already found Ariel,”

“Why are you telling me just now? He will be restless when he sees himself in a strange environment. Isn't he asking about me? How can you…,” she began to say angrily and Alex cut her off.

“There was no need of bringing him to you, he
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