An Offer or a Lifetime

Emily felt that sharp pain in her chest; what was this question suddenly? In the office area. Emily was a kind that valued her reputation so much which was the one of the reasons she was finding it very difficult to free herself with Sam.

Her eyes were filled with surprise, and her heart was doing justice to the words that left Sam’s lips.

She was speechless and glued to her chair.

“Breathe, Emily, Breathe. It’s just a question,” Sam tried to encourage her, he could see all of it.

The pressure Emily was feeling was shown clearly on her face, Sam knew she was in a difficult situation but he really needed to know what the answer was, it was the one reason he didn’t kiss her that night.

He wanted something serious with Emily, not just a one night stand or an infatuated relationship.

Emily did as Sam said, and she took a deep breath and it calmed her down a little bit, but still she didn’t have the answer to his question.

“I can’t….answer that right now, Sam.” Saying his name now th
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