The Awkward News and Moments

“I’m pregnant!” Amelia broke the news immediately without any hesitation, putting up a face of worry and disgust.

Her heartbeat was abnormal and she was unable to control it.

Derek's eyes popped wide open, a grin slowly curling up the side of his lips.

“That’s great news, why the hell are you looking that way?” He smiled, leaning closer to Amelia.

Derek didn’t even think about this aspect, he was only worried about what illness Amelia must have developed, but it was a baby and he was so glad.

They had only had sex a number of times since they just started dating officially some weeks ago, and it was obvious because they never for once used protection.

“Because I’m not really sure who owns the child,” Amelia nibbled on her bottom lip, staring at Derek to see his reaction.

Her fear was that the child may be Sam’s. She didn’t really know, the issues and problems in her life this past weeks had made her lose concentration on her personal well being.

She was always thinking of Sam
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