The Plan, The Date and the Dilemma

Elena glanced around the bar once again, and she finally brought her gaze to Ariana.

“Keep it low, your father’s a popular man, and so am I.” She whispered, worry written all over her face.

She wondered how Ariana would digest this news, knowing that she loved her dad so much; it was the more reason she was this shocked.

Ariana covered her mouth with her hands, stealing glances around the bar to see if anyone was watching. She couldn’t believe her ears, her mother was planning on filing a divorce and she wasn’t even aware.

“What do you mean file a divorce mum, it hasn’t gotten to that,” Ariana's tone was almost like a whisper, and she could feel her heartbeat starting to rise slowly past its normal level.

“I’m doing this for you and your brother, Ariana. It’s the only threat I can give to Ethan,” Elena maintains eye contact with Ariana, convincing her, would be one hell of a job.

“No you’re not mum, you’re trying to divide the family, it hasn’t gotten to that,”

“Where do you sta
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