The beginning of Something New

Ethan sighed, he had a frustrated expression on his face, even his daughter who was closer to him than any member of his family couldn’t understand his plight.

Although, he didn’t expect her to get it in just one sitting. It was a little bit hard to accept, he knows that personally.

But the fact that he couldn’t convince her made him frustrated.

“They’re never going to accept it, will they?” Sam was the one who spoke first after Ariana had stormed out of the room.

He was getting tired of all these even though he expected it, but it wasn’t bothering him so much anymore.

Ethan looked at him with tired eyes, and then sighed again as he shifted his gaze to Clinton who was still standing by the door.

“I will figure everything out soon enough, Sam; you’ve nothing to worry about, I expected all of these,” Ethan assured him, even without being sure what he wanted to do next.

Sam could sense the uncertainty in his words, he had hurried to Ethan’s mansion to tell him about Cooper, and ho
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