Chapter 0003

Blood washed away from Sebastian’s face and Sara was completely dumbfounded, holding her cheek in pain.

Did they just hear right?

The CEO of the biggest technology company in Crimson wanted to marry a pauper like Ryker?

Do wonders truly never cease?

Fiona picked up the papers from the floor and shoved it in Ryker’s hand, handing him a pen from her purse.

“Sign it,” She coldly requested.

Ryker didn’t think even twice about signing the divorce agreement.

As much as his heart ached from Sara’s betrayal, it was obvious she had made her choice.

He quickly scribbled his signature on the papers and threw them at Sara.

“Wise choice, now come with me,” Fiona said, locking fingers with Ryker and taking him out of the restaurant, much to everyone’s astonishment.

“You can drop me anywhere here,” Ryker said to Fiona after her car drove a few metres away from the restaurant.

He needed some time to process everything that had just happened to him.

“I wasn’t joking about marrying you. We are going to the marriage registry to get our marriage certificate right now,” Fiona replied in a curt tone, not even paying Ryker a glance.

Ryker was visibly stunned.

His lips rounded into a big ‘O’ and his eyes were bulging out of their socket.

She was really serious about marrying him earlier?

It wasn’t just a joke to make Sara feel bad for humiliating him?

“I- I don’t understand,” he replied earnestly, his confusion clear from his facial expression.

“What part of us are getting married don’t you get?” Fiona raised a brow at him.

“If you need a husband, I’m sure many sons of the great houses would give an arm and leg to have a woman like you as their wife, why me? I’m just a common lad and a total stranger,” Ryker replied.

Fiona was ten times the upgrade from Sara but he never planned to get married the same day he just got dumped by his ex wife!

Fiona made a face at him and kissed her teeth.

“Look, the details are not important right now but I need a husband for a year to get out of a fix I’m currently in and let’s just say you are my chosen candidate. I will compensate you at the end of the year with five hundred thousand dollars and a house in any area of the city you want.”

Her tone was clipped and straight to the point.

Ryker frowned.

The money could change his life and having a pretty and successful woman like this for a wife, even for a year, wasn't such a bad idea.

What did he have to lose anyway?

“Alright, I’ll do it,” he replied in a clipped tone. “I’ll be your husband.”

In the next few hours, Ryker and Fiona were sitting in her office as she drafted out the terms of their marriage contract with their marriage certificates on the table.

In the eyes of the law, they were now legally husband and wife.

A sophisticated looking and beautiful young lady on high heels, mini skirt and peplum blouse ran into Fiona’s office, looking exasperated.

That woman was Chloe Fischer, Fiona’s good friend and personal assistant.

“Fiona, you are going to be the death of me. Where have you been? We just missed the appointment to test your dress for your engagement ceremony tomorrow,” she announced, completely oblivious to Ryker’s presence.

“Chloe, meet Ryker, my new husband. I don’t need that dress,” Fiona replied in an edgy tone.

Chloe’s heart pounded hearing Fiona’s words and she froze in shock, not believing her ears at first but then, she took a good look at Ryker and suddenly burst into a rowdy laughter, even clutching her stomach while at it.

“You sure know how to joke Fiona, I thought you were serious for a moment there, there’s no way a woman of your status would marry such a basic looking guy,” she said, eyeing Ryker in disgust.

“Who said I’m joking?”

Fiona tossed the marriage certificates at her, keeping her face impassive. “I already told you and my family, I am not marrying that man.”

“What have you done Fiona?!” Chloe yelled in great horror, her eyes popping out of their sockets as she stared at the certificates in shock.

“Nico Reyes is the first grandson of the Reyes family, a fast rising family in crimson, soon to be among the seven great houses of Crimson. Do you know what honour that would accord you and your family? What can this tramp give you that he can’t?”

“That’s enough!” Fiona pounded the table. “If you fancy Nico so much, you can take my place at the ceremony tomorrow, you have my blessings!”

Chloe clenched her fists by side, glaring strongly at Ryker before she stormed off in anger.

“Here,” Fiona handed the contract to Ryker. “You can go through the contract and sign it. To make our marriage more believable, you will be living with me from now on.”

Ryker gave her an amused look. “Living with you, like sleeping in the same bed and performing marital duties?”

Fiona glared at him. “Don’t get it twisted Mister, this is purely business between us. I’m sure I can find somewhere in my house for you to sleep. And prepare yourself, tomorrow, we must go to the engagement ceremony and announce that we are already married.”

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