Chapter 0004

"Go to your engagement ceremony?"

Ryker's eyes widened and he doubted if he had heard her right.

"Yes. You're scared?"Fiona asked, narrowed her eyes,staring at him.

"Scared? No,I'm just surprised. It's not that common for a woman to bring her husband to her engagement party with another man." Ryker replied.

He wasn't lying.He was not scared. Now that he had promised to be her "contract husband",he needed to do fulfill his duty.

"Looks like I didn't choose the wrong man." Fiona crossed her arms,smiling with satisfaction.

Ten minutes later,

Ryker left Fiona’s office and made his way to the Ford manor afterwards to get his belongings.

There was something important for him in that house. He had to take them back.

Ryker stepped inside the mansion and immediately, Melanie Ford, Sara’s mother, stood up and attacked him.

“How dare you show your face in this house? My daughter has decided to divorce you, you are no longer welcome in this house!”

She said in a furious tone, yelling at the top of her voice and pointing her finger, almost poking Ryker’s eyes.

Audrey, Sara’s eighteen year old sister stepped up in a very haughty gait towards Ryker as well.

Like her sister Sara, Audrey was a gorgeous beauty.

At just eighteen and still in school, men were already lining up to marry her.

“You have some nerve showing your face here, you punk, the mere sight of you wants to make me puke.”

“If you have come here to beg for my daughter to take you back,” Melanie scoffed disdainfully. “You better think again.”

“For the last three years, we tolerated you because of my late husband but now we are done with that fake sympathy, you useless simpleton. before I close my eyes and open them, vamoose from my presence.”

Three years ago, he was severely injured and found by Sara's father Trent, who took him home. If it weren't for him, he might have died. But when he woke up, he had completely lost his memory. He didn't know who he was or why he was lying there. The only link to his past was a bag he had been tightly clutching at the time. This is why he must return to take it, even though he had looked through its contents many times and still couldn't remember anything.

And Trent saw Ryker as a man of integrity and married him to Sara but after six months, he passed away from a strange illness.

“And if I don’t vamoose Melanie, what will you do?” Ryker shot back in a cold tone, his eyes as hard as a rock.

He was fed up with their constant nagging and bullying towards him over the years.

“How dare you call me by my name? What gives you the right?! Do you have a death wish?!”

“Hey! Look here you trash, how dare you talk to my mother like that? Let me remind you of what you truly are, Ryker, Useless. You are useless. Completely and utterly useless,” Audrey fired at him.

Ryker smiled bitterly and shook his head at both women. They were simply not worth his time.

“I have not come here to exchange words with you. I only came to get my things. I already gave Sara the divorce.”

“Things? What things? You mean your garbage?” Audrey laughed at him.

“Just get your rubbish and get out, your stench is polluting the air…ugh,” Melanie scrunched her nose.

Ryker made his way up to the attic, his makeshift bedroom for three years and returned with a single duffel bag in hand.

Audrey immediately broke into an airy laughter, seeing him with a single bag.

“Mother, how much more insignificant can a man get? He lived as a son in law of this family for three years, three good years and all his belongings fit into this tiny bag.”

Melanie smiled mockingly at Ryker.

“Do not waste your breath on him anymore my dear daughter, trash like him knows nothing about owning valuable possessions,” she snorted in contempt.

Audrey stood from her seat and yanked Ryker’s bag from his hand.

“Speaking about valuable possessions, we should check this bag mother, this broke ass may have stolen something,” She said, throwing the bag to the floor and scattering the contents.

“Give that back,” Ryker said in a firm tone, pulling her away from the bag.

“How dare you lay your filthy hands on my daughter?” Melanie yelled, rushing forward to give Ryker a dirty slap but he caught her hand mid air and pushed her to the ground, towering above and pointing down at her.

“We are no longer relatives, Melanie. If you or any member of your family ever insult or lay hands on me again, I’ll make you pay.”

Ryker’s tone was as cold as ice and it sent a shiver down Melanie’s spine.

Spit struggled down her throat and her eyes were full of fear that Ryker would beat her up.

“How dare you touch my mother?” Audrey snarled, rushing towards Ryker but her bum touched the ground faster than the speed of light from the light shove that Ryker gave her.

“Just get your garbage and get out!” Melanie yelled. She was in terror of Ryker’s new nature.

He had never spoken back or defended himself against them before.

As Ryker gathered his belongings into the bag, a rather old and odd ring hanged off one of his clothes.

That ring was in his bag when he was saved by Trent. Though he couldn't remember who gave him the ring. He could always feel an innate sense of connection to it.

Without any hesitation,he picked it up and slid it into his finger.

The head of the ring was the shape of a dragon head, spitting out fire and unlike most rings that had one or two bands, the ring had twelve bands, all in different colours and on each of them was inscribed an alphabet.

Together, they spelled the words ‘DRACO DOMINUS.’

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