Chapter 0010

“How is this even possible?” One of the guests had his mouth open in shock.

“The Greys? And the Yates? collaboration? With the Reyes family? How did they even get that connection?” Another one marvelled at the thought.

The rivalry between two of the powerhouses began ages ago, so much so, that the real reason for the feud was no longer known. As long as you were born a Grey, you hated the Yates and vice versa.

Even though both families were wealthy, influential and powerful, in the past, the Yates used to have the upper hand but since Kelvin Grey took over the helm of his family affairs about five decades ago, he has greatly suppressed the Yates and they were all the more bitter for it.

“We made the right decision LLoyd,” Sophia Bassett, Fiona’s mother said in awe to her husband. “With Fiona getting married to Nico at such a time, we can finally become a second tier family!” She shrieked in joy.

Lloyd Bassett smiled down at her.

“Indeed honey and if we play our cards right, we can skip the second tier and become a first tier family, maybe even become a great house in decades to come,” He replied in an amused tone.

“I love how ambitious you are my husband, let me go and get Fiona, nothing must ruin this chance for us,” Sophia replied, going backstage.

Sebastian was standing just outside the entrance with a change of clothes when David introduced Samantha to the crowd. He was deeply impressed by her beauty and aura and even though his family was nothing compared to the Greys, the Metro group was heavily invested in their shipping business.

In fact, that collaboration was the sole reason the Coles were a third tier family at all.

When everyone sat back down, he adjusted himself and put a coy smile on his face to introduce himself to Samantha, hoping to take advantage of their business connections.

“Good afternoon miss-”

“Utter her name and I will feed you your dick,” a deep growling voice that sent a chill down his spine made him pause.

He looked at the owner of the voice and his knees went weak, causing him to stagger and clatter into chairs behind, falling to the ground and those who saw him laughed at him.

Sebastian was truly terrified of Cage, they had met in a fighting contest in the past and it only took Cage five seconds to knock him out and even though it was just one strike, Sebastian spent weeks recovering in the hospital.

He immediately picked himself up and hurried away.

Ryker had gone out for a smoke when all of this was happening and when he stepped back into the hall, Samantha spotted him.

“Cage…it’s that Dominus guy from yesterday. Come, we must apologise and show our respects,” She dragged Cage and surprised most of the guests as the poise woman who had just floated into the hall with an aloof demeanour was practically walking with a spring in her steps.

Ryker’s brow creased into a frown when he saw them approaching him, he did not need a repeat of Sara and Sebastian.

“Good day Sir,” Samantha curtsied when she reached him and Ryker cocked his brow at her, expecting something totally different.

“I am sorry for my attitude yesterday,” Samantha added, pinching Cage who was just staring at Ryker like he wanted to see what was inside of him.

He was still in awe of how Ryker easily defeated him.

“Good day Sir,” Cage bowed slightly. “My apologies as well.”

“There’s no need to apologise, I have no grudge against you. How is the old man?” Ryker replied in a polite tone, appreciating their lack of hostility.

“He is on his way sir and I know it will be a great honour to him if you sat with us,” Samantha said, taking Ryker’s hand before he could refuse, leading him to their table.

As they walked past Sebastian and Sara’s table, Sebastian pounded the table mildly, his heart seething with fervent jealousy and he scowled at Ryker’s back.

He wasn’t even allowed an inch close to Samantha and she went to usher Ryker to her table herself?

He turned to Sara with a frown on his face. “Does your ex husband have a magic dick or something? How is he getting all these rich women?”

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