As Victor looked at the money in his account, a mix of excitement and fear washed over him, and he exclaimed in disbelief, "How!!! Is this even real?" 

The messages he received earlier flashed in his mind, making him feel like he had stumbled into a surreal dream.

With a racing heart and shaky hands, he closed his eyes and pinched himself, hoping to wake up from what seemed too good to be true. 

He mumbled anxiously, "I must make sure I'm not dreaming." The sharp pain confirmed that he was indeed awake, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

"Could it be that someone had mistakenly sent that money to my account? I better report this to the police quickly," he said, trying to reason through his clouded thoughts.

His mind reasoned that with such a significant amount in his account, he could save his daughter and lead a good life, so why give it back? Although he felt a strong temptation, he managed to control himself.

However, as he hesitated about what to do next, his phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID displayed a strange number, "W - 888888." 

His heart skipped a beat, and fear surged through him. "Have I been set up and caught as a thief?" he wondered with a lump in his throat.

Victor stared at the phone until it stopped ringing. It rang again immediately, causing him to jump at the sound. 

Fearfully, he answered the call, his voice trembling, "Hello, I didn't..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a smooth voice on the other end interrupted,

"Hello, young master Victor, I'm Butler Kain. I believe you must have received the messages sent to you. You have successfully passed the family test and you are now the designated heir of the Parker family."

Victor's eyes widened in shock, and his mouth hung open in disbelief. He stammered, "Test... heir... Parker family? What are you talking about?"

Butler Kain's voice remained composed, "Yes, young master Victor, the Parker family. You have proven yourself worthy of becoming their heir."

The overwhelming surprise made it difficult for Victor to process the information. He managed to utter in a bewildered tone.

"Is this a prank, please stop it right now. You can just tell me to transfer your money back to you instead of using these tricks."

Butler Kain's tone remained reassuring, "I understand your disbelief, young master. Rest assured, this is no prank. You truly are the designated heir, and that substantial amount of money in your account is a gift from the Parker family to congratulate you on your achievement."

Victor's mind was in turmoil, trying to comprehend the incredible revelation. "This money... it's really mine to keep?" he asked, almost whispering.

"Yes, it's all yours, young master Victor. You can use it as you please," Butler Kain confirmed calmly.

Victor couldn't believe what he was hearing. "A billion dollars... just a gift?" he mumbled in astonishment.

Butler Kain chuckled softly, "Indeed, it's just a congratulatory gift. You've proven yourself to be worthy."

Still struggling to believe it all, Victor asked with surprise, "What Parker family are you talking about? I don't know any Parker family here in MidRidge."

MidRidge city was where Victor currently resided. 

Butler Kain's chuckle was warm and respectful as he explained, "MidRidge is too small to house the Parker family. I'm referring to the Parker family in the capital."

The shock in Victor's voice was evident as he tried to grasp the reality of the situation, "The Parker family from the capital? This can't be real. How could I be connected to such a powerful family?"

Even though Victor had been a poor person since, he had definitely heard of the Parker family. 

They were extremely powerful and rarely seen. However, every move of theirs could shake the financial world.

Butler Kain's tone remained calm, "Believe me, young master Victor, it is real. Take some time to process this. First, focus on your daughter's health and well-being. You now have the money to settle her hospital bills."

"Your daughter is also a member of the Parker family by blood so she's very important. Take care of your immediate priorities. When you're ready, we will arrange a meeting and discuss things in detail."

As the call ended, Victor was left stunned and bewildered, unable to comprehend how his life had taken such an unexpected turn. 

However, he recovered quickly and immediately bolted out of the Gardner family's residence. As usual, the guards, servants and any Gardner family member who saw him taunted him as he passed by.

He still had a little cash in his pocket and thankfully he always carried his bank card with him, so he just flagged a taxi and got in.

"Trust Hospital" Victor said as the driver zoomed off. Though he was still a bit scared and excited at the same thing about his newfound identity, he knew he had to handle his daughter's issue first. 

Now he had money, he could pay all Amanda's hospital bills, take her to a vip ward and most importantly, he didn't let Diana down like he promised.

As the car reached Trust Hospital, Victor hurriedly paid the fare and ran into the hospital. 

It was as if the money he now had gave him extra strength. He forgot he was tired and he forgot about all the humiliation he had faced earlier.

Reaching the ward, they were no longer in the ward. "Could they have been evicted?" He was worried.

Seeing a nurse passed by, he stopped her and asked, "Nurse, where is the little girl that was in this ward?"

"Oh, that beautiful little girl, her father came earlier and paid to transfer her to a vip ward. She should be at vip ward 5. 

Such a rich handsome guy and he loves his daughter very much." The nurse answered and walked away.

Victor froze, "Amanda has a new father? Who is brazen enough to take my daughter."

Angrily, he dashed to VIP WARD FIVE (5).

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