Looking at Victor, the young man continued, "Wipe my shoes clean and I might pity you and give you the money you need."

Victor clenched his fist, he was angry because he felt humiliated but his daughter was sick and he couldn't let her die.

Going on his knees, he was about to clean the young man's shoes with his clothes when the man suddenly stepped on Victor''s back to clean the shoes himself.

"I can't let you mess up my shoes. Your clothes are too old and worn out. It will make my shoes ugly. There is nothing wrong with stepping on you, after all, those who clean my shoes are my servant." The young man said with disgust. 

The young man was Diana's cousin, Tom Gardner and the favourite grandchild of the head of the Gardner family.

Tom was trying to impress the two girls who were with him, and they were giggling at his attempts. Meanwhile, Tom was recording a video of Victor humiliating scene.

Victor could hear their mocking laughter echoing in his ears. He felt utterly humiliated, but he had no choice but to endure the degrading act to secure the promised money for his daughter's treatment.

His daughter's life was more important than his dignity.

"That's enough," Tom sneered, delivering a painful kick to Victor's face. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he blinked them away, refusing to give Tom the satisfaction of seeing him break down. "Now, clean my two beauty's shoes."

One of the girls immediately said excitedly as she spat on Victor's face, "Hurry up, you pathetic loser. I can't believe people would stoop so low for money."

Victor felt extremely disgraced since he needed to clean a call-girl's shoes but Tom cruelly threatened, "If you don't want to do it, then you can forget about the money."

With no other option, he had to keep going. 

Finally, Victor mustered the strength to stand up, his body trembling from the ordeal. 

"I'm done. Can you transfer the money now? I need to hurry to the hospital," he stammered, trying to mask the deep humiliation in his voice.

"What money?" Tom said with feigned innocence, a wicked glint in his eyes.

Victor's heart sank, realizing he had been deceived and used. The realization intensified his humiliation, making him feel like a fool for trusting Tom's promises. 

"The money you promised me," he said, his voice cracking with humiliation and anger.

Tom chuckled heartlessly, "Oh, oh. I said I might give you money if you clean my shoes. A hundred thousand dollars, that's a huge sum of money." 

He theatrically took out a one-dollar note from his pocket and carelessly flung it at Victor, adding further insult to injury.

As Tom walked into the house with the two girls, he coldly ordered, "Guards, beat him up and throw him out." 

The guards eagerly obeyed their master's command, delivering a brutal beating to Victor. 

Victor felt the judgmental stares of the guards, their contempt for him evident. 

One of them snickered, "I can't believe the man Miss Diana married is so useless. He cleaned young master Tom's shoes and also those two prostitutes' shoes. So shameless."

Servants in the Gardner family knew the Gardner family's animosity towards Victor and took every opportunity to belittle and humiliate him. 

They addressed Diana as "Miss Diana," even after her marriage, to remind Victor of his lower status within the household.

The servants saw Victor's current predicament as an opportunity to mock him further. They snickered among themselves, exchanging looks of derision as they witnessed him cleaning Tom's shoes. 

They knew that no matter how badly they treated Victor, there would be no repercussions from the Gardner family. In fact, they might even be rewarded for their cruelty towards him.

The pain in Victor's body was surpassed only by the overwhelming sense of humiliation. He felt like a broken man, stripped of his dignity and self-respect. 

As the guards dragged him outside and threw him out like trash, he got up and limped away, his spirit crushed.

The Gardner family had the means to help Amanda, but they wouldn't do it easily. Diana, even though related to them by blood, was sometimes mistreated and despised because she married Victor.

Victor, who was about to head back to the hospital, immediately received a call. 

It was Tom, who had humiliated him not long ago. At first, he didn't want to pick up, but he decided to answer the call anyway.

Tom's cold voice came through, "Grandpa wants to see you in his study, better hurry up here." Then he hung up.

Victor felt a glimmer of hope, thinking that maybe Grandpa Gardner cared about his great granddaughter despite hating Victor. Since he had not gone far, he quickly rushed back to the Gardner's residence.

Grandpa Gardner was the head of the Gardner family and Diana's grandfather. He was the first person who strongly opposed Diana and Victor's union.

Victor rushed into the building and made his way directly to Grandpa Gardner's study.

Grandpa Gardner was seated on a chair reading a book. Victor immediately knocked on the door and entered. He was about to greet, but Grandpa Gardner just waved him off.

Cutting to the chase, Grandpa Gardner said, "I know Amanda is sick, and even though I deny it, she still has part of my blood running in her, so I'll give you the money to save her. But for me to do that, you have to give me something in return."

Victor trembled, knowing that whatever Grandpa Gardner would ask would not be easy to fulfill. Moreover, he had just been tricked by Tom. 

Still, he mustered the courage to ask, "What is it?"

Grandpa Gardner fished out a few documents then placed then in front of Victor, "Sign them."

As Victor read the documents, he froze. One of them was divorce papers, and the other stated that he had to agree Amanda was no longer his daughter and that he had no business with them.

"No way," Victor said loudly.

"It's either you sign them, or your daughter dies," Grandpa Gardner said calmly.

"How can you be this heartless, she's your great grand..." Victor tried to speak but was interrupted by Grandpa Gardner.

"Will you sign them or not?"

Victor firmly replied, "No, I won't divorce my wife or give up my daughter."

Grandpa Gardner sneered, "Then better go prepare for her death. I bet you'll be here begging to sign them soon. A useless loser. You are destined to suffer for life. Get out!"

Feeling confused and unsure, Victor left Grandpa Gardner's study and walked far away from it. He couldn't focus on his thoughts. 

Quietly, he mumbled to himself, "Grandpa Gardner was right, I will go back to beg him to sign those papers." 

However, just as he was about to turn back, he got two messages. "Ping!" "Ping!!"

The first message said, "Congratulations, young master! You have successfully completed the family trial."

The second message said, "You have been sent one billion dollars as a congratulatory gift."

Immediately after, he received an alert, showing a long string of zeros.

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