A young handsome man who was luxuriously dressed was seated beside Diana, Gina was seated close to them as well and the expression on her face was an excited one. 

She was happy because the young man, the young master and heir of the Titus family, Solomon Titus wanted to marry her daughter. 

The Titus family was richer and more powerful than the Gardner family so Diana marrying Solomon would surely improve her status in the Gardner family. 

Gina wanted everybody that looked down on her to look up to her with respect and admiration. 

In a hushed tone filled with disdain towards Victor, she quietly murmured, "This is the kind of son in law I want, not that useless imbecile. I wish they could get married soon, then i will be the mother in law of the future head of the Titus family." She giggled. 

Nonetheless, her words went unheard by those around her. In-fact they did not pay her any attention.

"Diana, just say yes to me and I'll treat you and your daughter as the most precious thing in the world." Solomon said as he tried to hold Diana's hands.

However, Diana avoided his hands, "Mr. Solomon, please be mindful of how you touch me, I'm a married woman. I appreciate your help for moving my daughter here and knowing that the payment for the hospital bill is in process, I'll make sure to pay you back."

"You bitch! I'll have to chance to tear of this your mask, then fuck you and fuck that little daughter of yours" Solomon said viciously in his mind. 

Solomon was quite good at pretending, so he simply answered with a smile, "I'm sorry Diana, u didn't mean to do that."

He had not yet paid for the hospital bill, he was already thinking of backing out and probably tell the hospital to throw out Amanda since they were not able to pay the bill. 

Besides, he wouldn't feel guilty doing that. She was the child of that useless man.

Gina herself was anxious seeing the exchange between Diana and Solomon Titus. She did not want to miss out on such a good and rich son in law. 

So she immediately scolded, "Diana, what are you doing? How can you treat Mr. Solomon like this. Don't forget without him, Amanda would have been kicked out of the hospital."

"You should be happy to see such a good man who is willing to take care of your daughter and not mind the fact that you have been married to another man before." 

A voice sounded immediately after her words, "I can take care of my own daughter." 

Diana, Gina and Solomon turned to look at the door. Victor who looked rough and tattered walked in vip ward 5.

Solomon seeing him gritted his teeth with hatred. Gina also had disdain in her eyes, while Diana had a cold expression.

Victor did not care about Gina or Solomon. Of course he was angry about Solomon's presence but right now, he needed to placate his wife.

"Honey, I have it. I've got the money." Victor mustered his strength and said. He was anxious seeing that Diana's expression didn't change despite his words. Clearly she didn't believe him.

Not waiting for him to speak again, Solomon spoke towards him in disdain, "Hundred thousand dollars. Can you afford it right now? Just look at you. You look like someone who just had his bath in a gutter."

Victor was angry, "I'm talking to my wife. How dare you interfere?"

Finally Diana answered, "He paid the money and also paid to move Amanda here. If not for him, we would have been kicked out by the hospital management."

Victor was gloomy. Solomon dared claim to be his daughter's father and was trying to destroy Victor's marriage with Diana.

"You paid for my daughter's bill. I don't appreciate it. I can pay for my daughter's expenses myself." Victor said angrily.

Diana replied angrily, "Enough, you're unable to afford it and yet you're still here bragging and not even appreciative of our helper. You disappoint me. Once Amanda is well, let's get divorced immediately."

Victor who was about to retort ate back his words the moment he heard divorce. 

Meanwhile Solomon was enjoying the show. He couldn't help but be excited. What he wanted would be his soon.

Solomon wanted to take the opportunity to sow more discord between them. "Since you are so manly, I will withdraw my money and leave you to pay for everything after all you are so capable."

Diana panicked but it was too late. Solomon had already called the person in charge. Since the Titus family was wealthy, people would definitely want to curry favour with them.

Diana looked at Victor coldly but Victor remained calm. He would prove to her that he wasn't lying. 

While waiting for the person in charge to arrive, he was still a bit nervous. This could be seen from how hard he clenched his fist. 

A young doctor walked in with a lady who held a pos machine.

"Sorry to disturb you, Doctor Malik." Solomon said.

The young doctor who was known as Malik smiled, "No problem. Anything for you, young master Solomon."

Solomon then turned to Victor with a wicked smile, "The pos is here now, I paid 110,000 dollars. I'm sure you can afford it. Come on."

Victor walked forward and took out his card, then gave it to the hospital's pos attendant.

The pos attendant slotted it in and asked him to enter his pin. As Victor entered his pin, he was so nervous that his heart was beating wildly. 

His hand even slipped and he put an incorrect number before deleting and correcting it. 

As they waited for the pos machine to process. Victor prayed about ten times in his heart in just that short time. 

Finally, a ping sound was heard from the pos machine. As Victor looked at it. He saw the word, "DECLINED, ...." 

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