Victor's heart shook. "Diana would definitely divorce me,"

As he was in his thoughts, the pos attendant's voice broke his train of thoughts, "Sir, invalid pin. Please try again."

"Ah!" Victor recovered. Clearly he must have been overly anxious which was why he put an incorrect pin.

Taking a deep breath, he typed his pin again and the pos machine began to process.

Solomon urged the pos attendant, "Is it not done? Doctor Malik, you can call someone to kick this man out for wasting your time."


"It's successful sir," The pos attendant looked up and said.

"Failed, I was right, this man can't. Wait what?" Solomon shook.

This time Victor repeated the attendant's words with a smug smile, "It's successful. Don't you have ears to hear?"

Solomon hurried to look at the pos machine and he could see the successful written big on the screen.

He immediately shouted, "Which person's money did you steal? No wonder you looked so tattered when you came in. You must have stolen someone's money."

Victor walked towards him angrily and gave him a slap, then gave him two more slaps in succession.

"This first slap is for claiming to be my daughter's father. The second one is for going after my wife and the third is for slandering me."

The Doctor, seeing his job was done, quietly retreated with the pos attendant.

"How dare you slap me? Don't you know I'm the heir of the Titus family? Nobody dares slap me and go scott free." Solomon said angrily.

Victor did not want to exchange any words with him so he simply warned, "If I count to three and you are still here, I'll beat you up and break your arms."

Though Victor was not a fighter, handling somebody like Solomon was nothing to him.

Of course, Solomon was scared and since he had no guards with him, he dared not confront Victor.

As he left vip ward 5, he threatened, "Be prepared for my revenge, I'll grind your bones and feed you to my family's dogs."

This was the first time Gina had seen Victor's side that retaliated against somebody so she was a bit scared.

No matter how a person humiliated or even hit Victor, he would never act but today, he slapped Solomon Titus. She could see the ferocious look in his eyes when he did it so she just picked her bag and hurried out of the ward.

Naturally, Victor wouldn't harm her no matter what she had done to him. Finally he looked at Diana and Diana looked back at him.

"Tell me, how did you get that money?" Diana asked. Although her voice was still cold, it was no longer like before.

Victor frowned, "Are you also doubting me that I stole the money?"

Diana did not reply but Victor could see she thought so in her eyes.

He shook his head and walked out of the ward. When he was close to the door, he spoke,

"If anything is needed for Amanda in the hospital, let me know. I'll transfer the money to you. Mind you, I didn't steal the money, I earned it legitimately." Then he left.

Victor himself was disappointed that his own wife doubted him. He had planned to share the good news about him being the heir to the Parker family in the capital but after seeing her thoughts about him back then, he changed his mind.

He thought it might be best if she remained unaware.

Looking at himself, he really looked tattered and rough. He went to a shop and purchased some new clothes.

After that, he went straight to book an hotel. He wanted to take a refreshing bath and relax himself a bit before planning to meet with Butler Kain. He was exhausted.

Entering the hotel, he immediately told the hotel receptionist, "I want to book a room please."

The receptionist looked at him from his feet to his head and again from his head to his feet.

Then, she asked in disdain, "Are you sure you are in the right place? Look clearly, this is a five star hotel and not a place for a mad man."

Victor was angry being addressed as a mad man. He understood he wasn't properly dressed right now but it was not the receptionist's business.

All she had to do was take the money and arrange the room.

He calmed himself down and tried his best to answer politely. "Yes, I know where I am and I know its a five star hotel. So i want a room."

The receptionist sneered, "Look at yourself properly, do you think you can afford a room? I know your kind and I've seen your kind before. Poor men like you always want to take advantage and use tricks to come in here then rob people. Sadly I caught your scheme today."

As she finished her words, she immediately shouted, "Guards, there is a thief here,"

In no time, the guards had arrived and surrounded Victor.

Victor sighed as he thought, "In just one day, three different people had thought of him as a thief."

"I'm not a thief, i'm just here to book a room" He protested.

However the security guards did not listen to his words. Of course, he knew they wouldn't listen but he at least wanted to try.

The first thing the security guards was take the paper bag in his hand. After checking it, they saw it was just some cheap clothes, they threw it away and led Victor outside.

Victor chose not to fight with them because he didn't want to cause trouble at the hotel. It was a five star hotel and he was sure the person who owned it was a powerful person.

His first thought was to call Butler Kain once he was outside and explain the whole situation to him.

Just then, as if Butler Kain read his mind, he received a text message, "Young master, the hotel is yours."

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