4, The Hidden Talent

Chapter Four; The Hidden Talent

Ted’s voice was laced with worry. “Boss, we have a problem. Our website has been down for the past 24 hours, and we’re losing customers by the minute.”

John’s expression turned serious. “What’s going on, Ted? We can’t afford to lose any more business.”

Ted shook his head. “I don’t know, boss. Our team has been working on it, but so far, all to no avail.

We’re trying to troubleshoot the issue, but it’s like nothing we’ve seen before.”

John nodded. “Let’s get to work, Ted. We can’t let our customers down.”

Together, John and Ted worked tirelessly to resolve the issue.

They poured over lines of code, tested servers, and consulted with experts.

Finally, after hours of work, the website flickered back to life.

They screamed in excitement and felt a sense of relieve.

Suddenly his phone beeped, incoming call from Rachel his physiotherapist.

He picked up.

Hi John, this is to remind you of your evening session for today.

Oh yes, I have that In mind. John answered slowly but his voice sounded tired.

Are you okay? She asked.

John smiled weakly. “It’s been a long day, Rachel. Our website was down, and we were losing customers left and right.”

Rachel’s responded sympathetically. “I’m so sorry to hear that.

But you guys fixed it, right?”

“Yeah, we did. Ted and I worked together to get it back up and running.” John responded

Rachel smiled. “Well, you’re a genius, John. I’m not surprised you fixed it.”

Thank you Rachel, John smiled

See you later in the day! With this, she hung up.

John was engrossed in his computer project at home when Rachel arrived for John’s physiotherapy session that evening.

“Hey, John! How’s it going?” she asked, noticing the look of exhaustion on his face.

“It’s going great, Rachel,” John said, his eyes shining with excitement. “I think I’ve discovered a new talent!”

Rachel’s curiosity was piqued. “What is it?”

“I’m a natural at graphic design!” John exclaimed.

“I’ve been working on a new logo for Jays Tech, and it’s turning out great!”

Rachel smiled. “That’s fantastic, John! You’re full of surprises.”

John eagerly showed her his design, and Rachel was impressed. “Wow, you’re a genius!”

As they worked on his physical therapy, John shared his design ideas with Rachel, who offered valuable feedback.

John’s creativity and determination inspired her, and she found herself looking forward to their sessions more and more.

John’s passion for graphic design grew, and he spent every spare moment honing his skills.

He devoured tutorials, practiced diligently, and experimented with different styles.

His hard work paid off, and soon he was creating more stunning designs that impressed even himself.

The next day, Ted, his PA, called with an unexpected request. “Boss, we need a new brochure for Jays Tech.

Most designers we’ve contacted can’t create something that represents the brand, but I think you’re the only one who can create something amazing.”

John’s heart raced. This was his chance to showcase his talent again, especially for the brand he was building.

“Absolutely, Ted! Give me a second.”

With Rachel’s encouragement, John worked tirelessly on the brochure. He poured his heart and soul into the design, making sure every detail was perfect.

When he finally presented it to Ted, the response was overwhelming.

“Boss, this is incredible! You’re a genius!” Ted exclaimed.

John felt satisfied.

His hidden talent had finally been recognized.

John grinned, feeling proud of his accomplishment. “Ted, I’m so glad you like the booklet! I worked really hard on it.”

Ted replied immediately, “I don’t like it, I love it Boss, it’s phenomenal!

I’m sure this will bring in more clients and become the talk of the town.”

As the session progressed, John’s fatigue began to lift, replaced by a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Little did John know, his talents were about to be recognized on a global scale.

The new logo design he created for Jays Tech had caught the attention of international organizations, and they were clamoring for his graphics design services.

Rumors began to circulate about the mysterious CEO of Jays Tech.

People whispered that he was a private person, extremely handsome, with piercing blue eyes and chiseled features.

In reality, John was just a regular guy with a passion for design and a determination to succeed.

As the days went by, John’s design skills were in high demand.

He worked tirelessly to meet the requests pouring in from all corners of the globe.

He created stunning graphics, logos, and websites for clients in every industry.

His talent and dedication earned him a reputation as one of the most sought-after designers in the industry.

But as John’s success grew, so did the suspicions of his family.

Sarah and Emily exchanged worried glances as John spent every waking moment glued to his computer screen.

“John, you need to take a break,” Sarah said, trying to hide her concern.

“You’re working too hard.”

John barely looked up, his eyes fixed on the design he was working on.

“Just a few more minutes, Sarah. I promise.”

Emily frowned, her voice laced with suspicion. “Dad, what’s going on? You’re always working on your computer now. Are you sure everything is okay?”

John forced a smile, trying to reassure them. “Everything’s fine, Emily. I just have a lot of projects going on, that’s all.”

But Sarah and Emily exchanged a skeptical look.

They knew John too well.

Something was going on, and they knew he was up to something but they couldn’t figure it out and are determined to find out what it was.

As John continued to work on his designs, he began to receive requests from major brands and organizations.

He created a stunning logo for a new startup, a website for a non-profit organization, and even a brochure for a government agency.

His work was met with critical acclaim, and his reputation as a top designer spread far and wide.

But with success comes a price.

John’s family began to feel neglected, and his relationships with Sarah and Emily began to suffer.

They felt like they were losing him to his computer screen, and they didn’t know how to get him back.

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