5, The Mysterious Threat

Chapter Five; The Mysterious Threat

John’s success with the brochure design led to more projects and recognition within Jays Tech.

He was thrilled to be making a name for himself in the industry, despite his lack of public exposure as CEO and his physical limitations.

However, with growth comes challenges, and John was soon faced with a mysterious threat that tested his resolve.

It started with strange emails and messages that hinted at a hidden agenda against Jays Tech.

John dismissed them as spam or jealousy, but the warnings continued.

One evening, during a meeting with Ted, Ted received a call from a private number, which he picked up only to hear the other end of the phone…

“Hello, Jay Tech… The voice was strange and angry.

“You’re playing with fire. Back off before it’s too late.” You’re stealing our clients and putting us out of business.

If this continues, we will go after everyone in the organization and their families, including your sick mother and your crippled boss.”

The phone rang, leaving both Ted and John in shock.

The voice was distorted, and John couldn’t trace the number.

He felt a shiver run down his spine, but refused to give in to fear.

“What was that about?” John asked Ted, trying to hide his concern.

“I don’t know, but it sounded serious,” Ted replied, his brow furrowed with worry.

“We can’t let them get to us,” John said, his voice firm. “We have to keep moving forward.”

Ted nodded, but John could see the fear lingering in his eyes.

Boss, what if they truly come after us?

John smiled and said authoritatively, “All the companies in this town combined can do nothing!

Ted is surprised where this boldness comes from, not knowing that John was the heir to the world’s leading company owned by the Cooper family, but ran away from his family because of his marriage to Sarah and his quest to be loved for himself and not for money.

As the days went by, the threats continued.

Emails, messages, and even letters arrived at the office, all with the same menacing tone.

John tried to brush it off, but the words began to sink in.

He started to wonder if he had made a mistake by taking on the project.

Was it worth putting his family and employees in danger?

One night, as he was working late, John received a call from the same private number.

“You’re running out of time, Jay Tech.

You have one week to back off, or we’ll make you regret it.”

The voice was cold and detached, sending chills down John’s spine.

“The voice continued. “You’re trespassing on our territory, and we won’t let you get away with it.”

John’s heart raced as he realized who was behind the threats. Dragon Digitals, a rival tech company, had been trying to take down Jays Tech for months.

He tried to stay calm, but his mind raced with thoughts of his family’s safety.

He couldn’t let anything happen to them.

He decided to take matters into his own hands and called his secret PA from the Cooper family.

“I need your help,” John said, his voice low and urgent. “I have a situation here, and I need it taken care of.”

His PA replied, “I’m on it, sir. What do you need me to do?”

John gave him the details, and his PA promised to take care of it.

John felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that he had someone he could trust to handle the situation.

But as the days passed, the threats continued.

John started to feel like he was living in a nightmare, with no escape from the constant fear.

He began to question his decision to take on the project, and wondered if he had made a mistake by trying to stand up to Dragon Digitals.

Ted noticed the change in John and approached him one day. “Hey, boss, is everything okay? You seem a bit…distracted.”

John forced a smile. “I’m fine, Ted. Just a bit stressed with the project, that’s all.”

Ted nodded, but John could see the concern in his eyes. “If you need any help, just let me know. We’re all in this together.”

John appreciated Ted’s support, but he knew he couldn’t share the truth with him. Not yet, at least. He had to keep his family and employees safe, no matter what it took.

As the deadline approached, John’s anxiety grew. He knew he had to do something, but he didn’t know what.

He felt like he was running out of options, and the threats were starting to take a toll on his mental health.

One night, as he was working late, John received a call from his PA. “Sir, we’ve found the source of the threats. It’s Dragon Digitals, and they’re not backing down.”

John’s heart raced as he listened to the details. He couldn’t believe it.

All this time, he had been wondering who was behind the threats, and now he knew.

He felt a surge of anger and determination. He was going to put an end to this once and for all.

Without hesitation he spoke into the phone, “I want Dragon Digitals down, I want to destroy all collaboration with them and I want them out of this town!

“Take care of it,” John said, his voice firm. “I want it done tonight.”

His PA replied, “Yes, sir. It’s done.”

John felt a sense of relief wash over him.

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