6, Finding a Savior

Chapter Six; Finding a Savior

Anthony called a family meeting with Emily, John's daughter, Sarah, John's wife, Joy, and Alex, Sarah's sister and fiancé, to discuss the bankruptcy of Dragon Digitals, their key partner.

The mood was tense as they gathered in Anthony's living room, the weight of their financial struggles palpable.

"We need to work with Jay Tech to secure our position," Anthony said, his voice grave and full of urgency. "We can't afford to lose any more ground."

John spoke up, determined to prove himself. "I can help you secure a treaty. I have connections, and I'm confident I can make it happen."

The room erupted in laughter, mocking John's offer.

"You? Help us? You're useless, John!" Alex sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "What could you possibly do to help us?"

Sarah and Emily exchanged looks of disbelief, adding to John's frustration.

Even his own family didn't believe in him.

"I can do it!" John insisted, his face flushing with determination.

"I'll prove it to you! I'll show you that I can still make a difference."

In the midst of the jeers, John pulled out his phone and made a call.

"Ted, take the contract documents to Anthony's house. Hundreds of millions worth. Now."

The laughter intensified, and Sarah whispered to John, "Baby, can you stop already? We all know you're just in the house doing nothing; how can you get a contract from Jay Tech?"

John looked at her reassuringly, "My love, you have to trust me on this; there's something I have to tell you and our daughter after this."

Anthony is about to get angry.

John, you know I have always loved you, but right now, you are of no use to this family and are now a burden.

It is because of the love I have for you that has made me not kick you out of our family, but please, this is a serious matter, and not a joke, you should keep your mouth shut!

But Dad... Sarah interrupts.

Ted arrives soon, greets his boss, and hands the document to John.

John signaled him to go.

John handed the document to Anthony, who opened it and was shocked; as others in the room whispered to themselves, wondering who Ted was.

Surprising John, Anthony tore the papers into pieces and threw them on the floor, the sound of tearing paper and laughter filling the room.

"You think a useless cripple like you can help us?" Anthony sneered, his eyes blazing with contempt.

"You are nothing but a burden, John. A constant reminder of your failure."

You have decided to bring us a false document? I won't tolerate this nonsense!

John's anger boiled over, his face burning with rage.

"You will regret this! You don't know what you've just torn up; you'll see what I'm capable of! I'll make you regret underestimating me!" John shouted angrily.

"Sarah, please take your burden from us now! As for the contract, don't worry, me and my fiancé will get it," she said mockingly.

Sarah remained silent, “Let’s go, Emily,” Sarah said, her voice firm.

She wheeled John out of the room, the tension and humiliation hanging in the air like a thick fog.

As they left the room, Emily whispered to her father, "Don't worry, Dad. We believe in you. We know you can do it."

John's heart swelled with pride and determination, knowing that his daughter and wife still had faith in him.

He was going to prove himself, no matter what it took.

Sarah’s eyes met John’s, and she could see the fire burning within him.

She knew that look, that determination.

She had seen it before, when John was building his business empire, when he was fighting for their family’s future.

She knew that he was not going to give up, that he was going to fight for their family’s survival.

“We have work to do.” Emily nodded, and together they wheeled John out of the room, leaving the mocking laughter and insults behind.

As they reached their car, John spoke up, his voice firm. “I’m going to prove them wrong, Sarah.

I’m going to show them what I’m capable of.

Sarah smiled, her eyes shining with pride. “I know you will, John. We believe in you.”

Emily nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with determination.

“We’re going to do this, Dad. We’re going to make them regret underestimating you.”

As they drove away from Anthony’s house, John’s mind was racing with ideas, with plans.

He was going to prove himself.

He was going to show them what he was capable of.

He was going to make a comeback, and he was going to make it big.

The drive home was silent, but the tension was palpable.

John’s anger and determination hung in the air, a thick fog that surrounded them all.

Beneath the anger and the determination was a spark of hope.

A spark that John was going to fan into a flame, a flame that was going to burn bright and hot, a flame that was going to change their lives forever.

As John began to talk on the phone, his voice firm and confident, Sarah and Emily exchanged a look.

They knew that John was going to do it, and they knew that he was going to make it happen. And they were going to be right there beside him every step of the way.

John’s conversation was brief, but his words were powerful.

He was making a deal, a deal that was going to change their lives forever.

As he hung up the phone, he turned to Sarah and Emily, a smile spreading across his face.

“It’s done,” he said, his voice triumphant. “We’re going to make a comeback, and we’re going to make it big.”

Sarah and Emily cheered, their faces shining with excitement. They knew that John had done it, and they knew that he had made it happen.

As they hugged each other, tears of joy streaming down their faces, John knew that he had finally found his redemption.

He had proven himself, and he had proven it to the world.

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