7, The Refusal

Chapter Seven; The Refusal

Joy and her fiancé Alex left the meeting with Anthony determined to secure the contract with Jay Tech.

They were convinced that their charm and business savvy would win the company over.

But when they arrived at Jay Tech's headquarters, they were in for a surprise.

"I'm sorry, Joy and Alex, but we're not interested in working with you," said Mr. Mark, Jay Tech's managing director, bluntly.

"We've done our research, and we don't think your company is a good fit for us."

Joy and Alex were stunned. They'd never been turned down before and didn't know how to handle it.

"But...but we have the perfect proposal for you," Joy stammered.

"We also have better prospects than the other companies you've accepted to work with. We can offer you..."

"I'm afraid it's not about the proposal, Joy," Mr. Mark interrupted.

"It's about the company's reputation. And let's just say your company's reputation precedes you."

Alex's face flushed with anger. "What are you implying?" Do you know who I am?

Mark leaned forward, his eyes cold. "I'm suggesting that your company has a history of shady deals and unethical practices.

And we don't want any part of it." Please leave; I have others to attend to.

Joy and Alex left the headquarters, defeated and humiliated.

They couldn't believe that their reputation had preceded them, and that Jay Tech had refused to work with them.

As they walked back to their car, Joy turned to Alex with tears in her eyes.

"What are we going to do, Alex? We can't keep failing like this."

Alex's face was grim. "We'll find another way, Joy. We always do."

And Grandpa? Joy asked quietly.

They fell silent, deep down they both knew that this failure was different.

This time they had been rejected because of their own actions, and they couldn't blame anyone else for their mistakes.

As they drove away from the headquarters, Joy couldn't shake off the feeling of defeat.

She had never felt so low in her life.

She knew that she and Alex might have made mistakes, but she had never thought that it would come to this.

Alex's phone rang, breaking the silence in the car. He answered it, his voice cold and detached.

"Yes, I know. We'll take care of it."

Joy looked at him, her eyes questioning. "What is it?"

Alex's face was grim. "It's the bank. They're calling in our loan. We're running out of time, Joy."

Joy's heart sank. She knew that they were in trouble, but she had never thought that it would come to this.

They were going to lose everything they had worked for.

As they drove back to their office, Joy couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them.

Would they be able to recover from this setback, or would they lose everything they had worked for?

The loan had been a desperate attempt to keep their company afloat.

They had borrowed a large sum of money to cover their debts and keep their business running.

But now, with their reputation in tatters and their business failing, they were unable to pay it back.

Joy thought back to the day they had taken out the loan.

They had been so confident, so sure that they could turn their business around.

But now, it seemed like a foolish decision.

"How much time do we have?" Joy asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"A week," Alex replied, his voice cold. "If we don't pay it back in a week, the bank will foreclose on our company.

We'll lose everything."

Joy felt a wave of panic wash over her.

A week was not enough time.

They would never be able to come up with the money in such a short amount of time.

As they drove back to their office, Joy couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them.

Would they be able to recover from this setback, or would they lose everything they had worked for?

Alex was determined to save their company, and he knew just the way to do it.

He would use his influence and connections to bribe his way into Jay Tech.

He had done it before, and he was sure he could do it again.

He picked up his phone and dialed a number, his mind racing with possibilities.

When the person on the other end answered, Alex launched into a charming and persuasive speech,

offering a large sum of money in exchange for a meeting with the lead of Jay Tech.

To his surprise, the person on the other end agreed, and they set up a meeting for the next day.

Alex was thrilled. He was sure that he could charm his way into Jay Tech and secure the contract.

He didn’t notice the sly smile on the other end of the line.

The next day, Alex arrived at the meeting, confident and charming.

He was greeted by a man named Maxwell, who introduced himself as the lead of Jay Tech.

Alex was unaware that Maxwell had been sacked months ago, and was only using the opportunity to dupe him.

Maxwell played along, pretending to be interested in Alex’s proposal.

He even went so far as to pretend to negotiate, asking for a larger sum of money in exchange for the contract.

They shook hands.

Alex smiled, thinking he had finally secured the contract.

He left feeling a sense of relief and accomplishment.

But as the days went by, he heard nothing from Maxwell or Jay Tech.

He tried calling, but the phone was switched off.

Starting to feel uneasy, Alex decided to go to the Jay Tech office to find out what was going on.

When he arrived, he was met with a surprise.

Maxwell was nowhere to be found, and the receptionist told him that he was no longer a staff member of the company.

Alex was confused and angry.

He demanded to see the lead of Jay Tech, but was told that he was not available.

Feeling frustrated and betrayed, Alex tried to push his way past the receptionist, but was stopped by security.

“You need to leave, sir,” one of the guards said firmly. “You are not authorized to be here.”

Alex was thrown out of the company, his face red with anger and humiliation.

He couldn’t believe he had been duped so easily.

He had lost a large sum of money, and his reputation was in tatters.

As he walked away from the building, Alex felt a sense of despair wash over him.

He had failed, and he didn’t know how to recover.

He thought of Joy, and how he had let her down.

He thought of their company, and how it was now on the brink of bankruptcy.

Alex felt like he had hit rock bottom.

He didn’t know how to pick himself up, or how to move forward.

All he could do was wonder how he had been so blind, and how he had let himself be so easily deceived.

He vowed to make Maxwell suffer.

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