8, The Unveiling

Chapter Eight; The Unveiling

The day of the Jay Tech launch event had finally arrived, and the anticipation was palpable.

The company was unveiling its latest innovation, the ‘EmpowerD’ – a revolutionary device designed to help people with physical disabilities, this was inspired by John’s impairment.

He realized he was able to achieve a lot to include building his brand from scratch despite his physical limitations using the virtual world.

Today, a lot of questions will be answered, John thought to himself.

The city’s top families had received exclusive invitations to witness the unveiling, and Anthony saw this as the perfect opportunity to network and secure a contract with Jay Tech.

As the guests began to arrive, Anthony’s eyes scanned the room, looking for the high-profile families he was trying to impress.

In order to ensure their family business does not crash.

He spotted the prestigious Smiths, the influential Watsons, and the wealthy Taylors, all mingling and chatting with the Jay Tech executives.

They were holding hands, drinking wine and discussing what he perceived as business.

“Joy, we need to make a good impression today,” Anthony whispered to his daughter as they made their way through the crowd.

“I have a feeling this device is going to change the game, and I want to be a part of it.”

“I know, Dad,” Joy replied, smiling and waving to a nearby guest.

I believe that despite the rejection of our proposal by Jay Tech, we can collaborate with other influential families, so that we can be stronger.

“Let’s just enjoy the event and see what opportunities come our way.”

With Alex’s influence, we should be able to connect on a higher level.

They both found a spot to sit.

Alex joined them few minutes after they had arrived, he pecked Joy while he greeted his soon to be father in law.

As they reached the main stage, the lights dimmed, and the day’s host, Mr. Thompson, stepped up to the microphone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the unveiling of the EmpowerD!” he announced, his voice booming through the hall.

“This device is not just a product, it’s a symbol of hope and empowerment for those who need it most and I’m sure every one will testify to this at the end of this program.

Mr Thompson gave a welcoming and opening speech introducing the device, it’s usage, and the benefits to the economy.

By the time he was done, everyone was looking forward to its launch and they were eager to invest in this new innovation.

Going further , let me introduce the CEO of Jay Tech, the mastermind behind this revolutionary device… Mr. John!”

The crowd erupted in applause and gave a standing ovation, as Mr. John, the CEO, was wheeled to the stage, a confident smile on his face.

Anthony’s eyes widened in surprise – he had expected a high-profile CEO, not his son-in-law in a wheelchair.

He thought to himself if it was a mistake, what was John doing on the stage?

Knowing how much he had offended him, he felt a sense of unease.

“What’s going on?” Anthony whispered to Joy, his voice full of disbelief.

“I don’t know, but he seems to be the one in charge,” Joy replied, her eyes fixed on the stage.

How is it possible that he owns this organization? Same organization we worked so hard to partner with?

No wonder we were rejected!

She suddenly remembers the contract John brought to them,

Dad, does it mean that the contract was real?

Does this mean we have ruined our chances of working with Jay Tech?

I honestly don’t know Joy, he said in confusion.

But we’ll fix it, after all he is Family.

Sarah and her daughter at the other end were surprised,

Sarah said softly almost quietly “ was this why you were always glued to the system John?

but Emily suddenly shouted out to the crowd, “I love you, Dad!” As John began his speech.

“Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow visionaries,

Today, I stand before you as the CEO of Jay Tech, proud to unveil our revolutionary device, the “EmpowerD”.

But my journey to this moment was not easy and full of various challenges that seemed to be an obstacle.

There were times I almost gave up, but my family kept me pushing! I know this came as a surprise to them all.

Just a few years ago, I was involved in an accident that left me crippled and wheelchair-bound.

I became dependent,

There was nothing I could do on my own,

I needed assistance with every little task

Shortly after, I lost my position in the business I was formerly building.

I felt like my world had been turned upside down.

I struggled to find purpose and meaning in my life.

But then, something changed.

Everyone’s gaze was fixed on him as he continues.

I realized that my disability was not a limitation, but an opportunity.

I began to focus on my strengths and passions, and I discovered a new sense of purpose.

Thankfully my PA Ted played a major role in this, likewise my physiotherapist, Rachel.

I founded Jay Tech with a mission to empower people with disabilities, to give them the tools and resources they need to thrive.

Ensuring they are not limited by their disabilities.

Helping them find their inner strength and building on it.

Today, we take a major step forward with the “ EmpowerD”.

This device is not just a product – it’s a symbol of hope and empowerment for those with one physical impairment or the other.

It’s a reminder that our disabilities do not define us, and that we all have the power to make a difference.

So, let us continue to push boundaries, to innovate, and to empower.

Let us show the world what we’re capable of, and let us make a difference together

Thank you.”

The crowd stood up and gave an applaud to him,

Suddenly, a huge announcement was made!

The Cooper Family was here?

Everyone was surprised and there were murmurs in the hall.

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