3, Things Heat Up

Chapter Three; Things Heat Up

John started a virtual business helping people solve their business problems, recovering hacked funds, and soon his business was growing.

He kept this new business away from his wife Sarah and daughter Emily.

He wanted to surprise them, but his PA, Ted, was secretly working for him.

His business, Jays Tech, became the talk of the town, and companies were calling to ask for a partnership.

His father-in-law Anthony called a meeting about a challenge in the business, and the whole family was summoned.

John was wheeled into the meeting room by his wife, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Anthony, his father-in-law, sat at the head of the table with a stern expression on his face.

Sarah, John's wife, stood beside him, her eyes filled with worry.

Joy, her step-sister, and Alex, her fiancé, smiled in the corner, their presence a ticking time bomb.

"John, we need to discuss your... condition," Anthony began, his voice dripping with contempt. "You are no longer the man you once were. You're a liability to this company."

John's face burned with anger. "My condition has nothing to do with my ability to work, Anthony. I’m trying to..."

Anthony slammed his fist down on the table. "That's what I'm talking about! You're wasting your time on some virtual fantasy while our business is suffering!"

"Of course, nothing good can come of you," Anthony continued.

"That's why I've given your position to someone capable on a temporary basis, because once Joy gets married, her husband Alex will become CEO."

Alex beamed with pride.

Sarah stepped forward, her voice firm. "Dad, that's not fair.

John is working hard and trying something new. I believe he will get back on his feet."

Alex sneered. "We know you're not capable of running this company. You're a cripple now, John." What contribution can you possibly do?

The room erupted into a heated argument, with Sarah defending John and Anthony, Joy, and Alex attacking his abilities.

The tension was palpable, the air thick with emotion.

In the midst of the chaos, John's phone rang. His PA, Ted, appeared on the screen and as soon as he pocked, John quickly said. "Boss, I need to talk to you about something urgent."

John's heart sank; he knew this was not going to end well.

"My love, please, I have to go now, baby, let's leave this environment!" John said to his wife.

As they left the flat, a strange figure stopped them and begged for an audience.

It was an elderly man, his silhouette outlined by the soft glow of the street lamp.

As John approached, the man face straightened.

"John," the man said, his voice carrying a gentle authority.

John signaled for Sarah to stop, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Do I know you?"

The man smiled knowingly.

"Perhaps not by name, but our paths have crossed before.

I'm here because I've heard of your recent challenges."

John's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you...?"

The man held up a hand, cutting off John's question.

"It doesn't matter how I know. What matters is that I'm here to offer you something – a gift, if you will."

John stepped closer, studying the man's face intently. "What kind of gift?"

The man reached into the folds of his cloak and produced a shiny golden walking stick.

"This," the man said, holding out the walking stick, "is for you.

It's a token of gratitude for the kindness you've shown me and my family in the past."

John's mind raced, trying to remember when he might have helped this stranger and his family.

But before he could express his confusion, the man continued.

"My late uncle passed this on to me, and now I am passing it on to you," the man explained. "It is more than a walking stick – it is a symbol of luck and opportunity.

Keep it close to you, and it will guide you through any challenges that come your way."

Sarah, who had been standing next to John, eyed the walking stick warily. "I don't know, John. It seems... strange."

But John's instincts told him otherwise. He reached out and took the walking stick, feeling a strange sense of strength pass through him as his fingers closed around the smooth metal.

"Thank you," he said to the man, his voice filled with sincerity.

The man nodded, a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Remember, John, fortune favors the bold. Trust in the stick, and it will lead you to greatness."

With that, the man turned and disappeared into the shadows, John felt a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Who was this mysterious stranger, and how did he know my name?

Before he could ponder further, Sarah tugged on his arm, her eyes shining with concern.

"John, let's get out of here. This place is giving me the creeps."

John nodded, his mind still reeling from the encounter.

As they walked away towards their car, he felt the weight of the golden walking stick in his hand, its smooth metal a reminder of the strange encounter.

When they arrived home, Emily, their daughter, was waiting with a curious expression.

"Dad, what's going on? You've been acting so weird lately."

John hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.

But Sarah intervened, her voice gentle. "Emily, your father is going through a tough time.

We'll get through it together, as a family."

Emily nodded, her eyes wide with understanding. "I love you, Dad."

John's heart swelled with love and gratitude. "I love you too, darling."

As they hugged, John felt a sense of determination. He would overcome his challenges, for his family's sake. And with the mysterious walking stick by his side, he felt a sense of hope he hadn't felt in months.

Later that day, John brought out the walking stick, John couldn’t shake off the feeling that the mysterious stranger had left an indelible mark on his life.

He glanced down at the golden walking stick, its intricate carvings glinting in the fading light.

He began to wonder what secrets it holds? And who the stranger really is.

Sarah noticed his fascination and gently took the walking stick from his hand.

John’s mind was racing. He couldn’t help but wonder if the stranger was somehow connected to his business, or his family’s past.

He made a mental note to investigate further,

He suddenly remembers the phone conversation with Ted and messaged him to come over.

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