Chapter 34

Rihanna was filled with confusion. She didn't know what to do at the moment. While Kaiden kept saying firmly that it was his black card, Lucas also noted that it was his and asked Kaiden to return the black card immediately. But is it possible that Kaiden stole it from his grandfather?

Rihanna couldn't decide whether to be suspicious of Kaiden at the moment. But Lucas's insistence made Rihanna worry about Kaiden. After all, she knew what her grandfather was like.

With fear, Rihanna held Kaiden's hand. She was trying to calm Kaiden down at the moment. "Kaiden, you should stop this. I don't want you to get into trouble with Grandfather," Rihanna said nervously. Her fear made the pounding in her chest even stronger.

Kaiden's last words to her grandfather worried Rihanna, especially when her grandfather threatened Kaiden.

Rihanna looked at Kaiden with worry and hope. "Kaiden, I don't want you to get into big trouble later."

"I know how Grandpa is. He would never play with his words."
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