Chapter 37

The waiter looked at Kaiden with cold eyes. Of course, he didn't immediately accept the card Kaiden gave him. He felt very hesitant in his heart and was worried that it would be a boomerang for her. She feared the current Kaiden was deceiving her and wanted to escape without paying anything.

He doubted Kaiden even more, especially when he heard everything from Mr. Lucas. "Are you trying to trick me this time, sir? We just want you to pay." The waiter emphasized that to Kaiden because he didn't want to get into trouble if Kaiden suddenly ran away from there.

The waiter believed that Kaiden had previously stolen the black card, so he also thought Kaiden could have done something cunning.

Lucas there also didn't seem to understand what Kaiden was up to. Even as he looked at the card, he had no idea what it was about.

Lucas looked at Kaiden. "Yes, do you want to do a trick here?"

"I'm pretty sure you can't afford it right now. That's why you're trying to trick the waiters here. You'd
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