Chapter 38

"You guys are a disgrace," Kaiden said with anger. In fact, he felt that their behavior was outrageous. Kaiden wanted the waiter to call the manager for him, but instead, he made trouble and wanted to throw him out of there. The waiter even dared to ask Kaiden to apologize to him. Of course, this made Kaiden feel angry.

"You're a typical person who doesn't want to admit mistakes at all," Kaiden emphasized the word to the two people before her.

Rihanna saw Kaiden's anger. She immediately took Kaiden's hand. Rihanna wanted to win Kaiden over. She didn't want Kaiden's anger to get them into more trouble. "Kaiden, calm yourself," Rihanna said with great anxiety, especially now that the problem was getting deeper.

Lucas looked at Kaiden with piercing eyes. "How can you say that? I didn't make a mistake at all."

"You're the guy who's so embarrassing. Look, you want to involve a manager here after you can't do anything to pay for it. In fact, I think you've become an insane man." Lucas gav
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