Chapter 12

While the fuss went on, Damon hurriedly rushed to his blue sedan that reeked of old age and poor maintenance.

Damon had turned the ignition several times but the old engine seemed desperate to delay him even more. Damon flung open the car burnet and fiddled with the battery heads.

He revved the engine again and it roared to life. Damon immediately reversed the vehicle out of his front porch only to find that he was blocked by a branded taxi cab.

"Move your vehicle, who let you in here in the first place?" Damon scolded angrily in a hurry to get to the gate and pick Ric.

When the driver of the taxi wouldn't budge, Damon got down from his car and went to confront him, at the same time the man in the passenger seat also highlighted.

"Ric!" Damon exclaimed excitedly as he turned around the taxi to greet his friend he had not seen seen in months and was expectant to meet.

"Damon," Ric greeted him with less enthusiasm and accepted the embrace he h

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