Visiting Lora III
Marcus, and his team stared at each other. The elderly Nanny was obviously talking tongue in cheek but they could not clearly spell that out to her.

They were considering the fact that she let them into her house as a hug favour and the last thing they wanted was to make her to have regrets.

But not for the ever pushy Luciana. She was determined to get that fact today or at least a clue as to where the Shein's family were hiding. She could see through Loren's Facade and knew that she had a knowledge of their whereabouts but was definitely playing safe.

These suspicions did not end as mere thoughts for Luciana because she proceeded to ask Loren, her courage topping the fear others had of losing her if they embarrass her with too many questions.

“Is it that you do not know where the family might be or you just do not want to let us know because you are afraid that we may give them away and they become endangered?” Luciana's lips were curled and it meant she was sticking it out with Loren
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