Chapter 37

Seeing his defeated and fallen guards lying on the streets, Mr. Dorma began to feel a more substantial wave of fear. His mind was spinning, trying to find a way out of the worsening situation. He thought that Morel and his guards could easily defeat all his highly trained guards. Let alone Mr. Dorma, who was quite old, whose body was no longer as strong as it once was, and he knew there was no way for him to win against Morel in a physical fight.

Cold sweat began to run down his temples as he realized how desperate his situation was. Every plan and strategy he had devised so far seemed to be falling apart before his eyes. How could he, with all his resources and influence, now stand helpless before a young man and his bodyguard? This defeat threatened his position in the business world and his reputation, which he had been so proud of.

Thinking about his defeat, Mr. Dorma fell to his knees before Morel, "Why did this happen? I didn't expect all my men to be defeated like this." Mr. Do
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