Chapter 41

It was such a shocking event for Mary. She noticed the well-dressed man and the shiny car and, of course, with the horse emblem, it was an expensive car.

"No way."

She spoke in a weak voice because this didn't make sense. Why would a rich man meet an ordinary man? She rubbed her ears, feeling like she had misheard something earlier.

Doris realized that there was a strange atmosphere here. He noticed the woman standing not far from them, watching his master.

Just as Morel had ordered her to be picked up here two hours later, Doris was doing exactly as her master wanted.

In fact, he was pleased that his master, who had been confined to his room for two days, was finally out of his room and living his days better.

"Master, did something happen here?" Doris immediately asked, and she was able to help her master.

Before Morel could speak, the confused woman spoke. "Wait, why are you calling him master?" Maria's brow furrowed deeply. She noticed the strangeness in his expression.

Doris look
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