“For our freedom!!”

“For our freedom!!”

Seeing how everything went according to plan and how their leaders easily dispatched the elite guards, the slaves who finally caught a glimpse at freedom went wild.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!!

They expressed their wild excitement with actions as they recklessly attacked the guards with fiercer moves. A massacre began as they slaughtered the disoriented guards.

The guards still could not believe that the elite guards of their leader were killed so easily by these slaves. They were shocked, horrified, and speechless. And where was their leader?

“There’s no girl with Chakra, right? This is not the time; we need him now!”

Despite their hopes, nothing seemed to be happening and their leader seemed to have abandoned them as they were massacred like chickens.

           The other 4 leaders, including Leonel, were tired, so they refused to join the cleaning battle. But their overall leader did the complete opposite, leaving them perplexed at his actions again.

Morales was not concerned by the fact that he was the overall leader, he joined on the fun. To him, these were not people at all, these were like clean sparkling dollars to him.

“My experience, my precious…”

Like a possessed maniac, he dived into the battle with frightening momentum, slaughtering the hapless guards left and right with stupefying frequency.

Seeing him, the guards despaired but they could do nothing as the slaves already blocked all their escape points. They could only curse their leader who abandoned them while struggling, which amounted to nothing.



Critical hit -83

You have killed a guard of a small-scale mining base, gaining 400 experience.

You have killed a guard of a small-scale mining base, gaining 420 experience.

You have killed a unit squad leader of a small-scale mining base, gaining 1500 experience.

Small but Mighty

You succeeded in killing 10 enemies successively with only one strike each. Conditions to activate innate ability met, Small but Mighty activated. Each of your normal attacks will deal twice as much damage to opponents for 30 seconds.


Morales felt like he was chilling on top of clouds as the system lit up like crazy, spamming him with notification messages of his kills and the experience gotten from them.

Due to the outrageous base attributes of his storm sword, all it required from him was one well-timed attack each to slaughter the guards that surrounded him.

He moved like a bull on the battlefield, stirring disaster everywhere with his Pugilist physique paired with his sword. He was unstoppable.

Despite his stamina already suffering from the constant exertion on his part, he persevered as he could not take his eyes away from his precious experience. This was what it felt like to go fishing in your backyard during a flood.

The slaves who misunderstood his motives thought that he did all these to reduce their casualties and help them.

“What a thoughtful leader!” They were overjoyed and moved to tears.

This motivated them more, making their already boiling blood overheat as they charged at their opponents like madmen and women. The scene was very bloody, but exciting also.

It took them an hour to finish slaughtering all the guards that gathered here. But they did not stop though as Morales led them to the other locations of the mining base to fish out and wipe out the remaining guards.

The sun shone down glaringly across the boundless territory of the mining base, but instead of the normal bright yellow illumination, it reflected red which was from the blood of the guards that flowed like a river.

For the next 4 hours, the massacre continued with unrelenting momentum and savagery.

Under Morales’s orders, Nightwind already led his fellow nightwalker class holders to sabotage all the guards' escape options, so no one escaped. Every person who had the tag of a guard died to the merciless tyranny of the slaves.

After all these, the slaves finally felt the repercussions from their stamina being exhausted as they all found places to rest their aching muscles.

Despite the terrible weakness in their bones, they still found the energy to chant their leader’s name. Morales fought with them for the whole 5 hours, which was something they never expected.

“Morales!! Morales!! Morales!!”

The loud chants reverberated around the mining base, echoing at deafening decibels before quickly reaching a crescendo, shaking the very foundations of the base.

Though Morales smiled brightly on seeing this, it was just a cover-up, his smile was mostly because of the jackpot he just hit in terms of experience gained from this battle.

After finally settling down, they rested for another 30 minutes before standing up again under the orders of their leaders.

As every guard was dead, they now had a mining base that was free for their looting, which was the best part of every victorious battle.

With cheerful expressions on their faces, they quickly went to work and started looting the whole base.

Though a lot of them died in the battle, only those that were close to the dead felt it, the others hardly felt a thing as the euphoria of victory, freedom, and most especially looting took over them.

Morales urged them to rush as he did not want them to stay in the mining base for a second longer.

Though Chakra was the leader of the mining base, he was technically just the protector. The real owners of the base were people that he did not want to confront with his current strength, so they had to escape now that they still can.

It took them less than 15 minutes before they scoured every single part of the mining base. After gathering all the loot together, Morales kept them in the storage ring that he got from the dead Chakra.

Storage rings are high-grade stuff that can be used to store and carry goods. It was a product of magic and space technology, so it was fairly rare. Only Chakra had one in the whole base.

After gathering everything, he turned before leading the large group of slaves from the base. His direction was towards the nearby forest.

It did not take them long before they slowly disappeared into the depths of the forest. The nightwalkers stayed behind to help clean and remove all their trails, to help them avoid being tracked and hunted down.

As they trudged deeper into the forest, the slaves felt mixed feelings, especially the ones who already stayed at the mining base for years.

The saying was true that one strong man was all that it’s required to liberate a nation. This young slave that arrived at the base just 2 months ago, who thought that he would be the one that would save them?

After traveling for another 10 minutes, they finally settled down in the forest. They did not have the guts to go deeper as the forest was not exactly the most welcoming place.

In Beiger, most forests have inhabited in them wild animals and beasts. These beasts are not the regular ones, but evolved ones with some even awakening some special abilities.

Barging without precautions into a forest was not always a wise decision. One short mistake was all it can take for an evolved beast to turn you into dinner. No cooking is needed.

After settling down, Morales gave a short speech to the slaves again before allowing them to sleep and rest. Everyone was tired from the long battle.

He also located a place to sleep as his eyes already started seeing double. He was exhausted, he over-exerted himself this time, though he did not regret it.

After some of the slaves volunteered to act as the guards to watch out for any danger, the others finally fell asleep.

Hours later, Morales woke up to see that the day was already getting dark. His sore muscles already recovered and he was back to his optimum condition.

Seeing the storage ring that was still safely kept in his finger, he heaved a sigh of relief. Though he saved them, he could not still completely trust the slaves. The human character was unpredictable.

After cleaning his red eyes with some water that he found at the side, he finally noticed that most of the slaves were still asleep.

He did not disturb them, rather he climbed up the small hill that was close by to meet Lionel and the other 3 leaders who were already awake and were discussing there.

Seeing him, they paused their discussion before greeting and waving at him. He waved back as he quickly arrived at their position the next second.

He wasted no time with them as he directly told them his motive for coming to meet them. They were shocked after listening to his explanation before Lionel questioned doubtfully.

“What…? Assassins came for you? How did you know?”

“Hehe, don’t worry about that. I have my means”.

Though they were perplexed about how he was able to know that assassins came for him, they did not make a fuss over it and followed. They trusted him at least, so they were not afraid of him screwing them over.

As Morales led them down the hill, his attention focused on the blueish green screen of the system that hovered before him.


E-Class Quest activated: Assassination

After you escaped from the dungeon, the head protector refused to believe without tangible proof that you are dead. So, she sent one of her protectors to hunt you down with the mission of bringing either your living or dead body back.

Survive the assassination

Reward: 20,000 experience

Special mission reward: 40,000 experience



“Accept”. Morales wasted no time before making his decision, he was not one to let off opportunities to get his precious experience, no matter how small.

“Damn, this body really brought me a load of problems. I’ve already received about 3 dangerous E-Class quests since I transmigrated, what an unlucky lad the previous owner was”.


Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.

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