Chapter 125 — Are You Okay?

Yawning heavily, Drew got up from the bed he had used to pass the night. Rubbing the dirt off the corners of his eye, he sighed deeply.

 He could still feel that his depleted martial energy had not yet been fully replenished. Looks like the Artic Soothing solution had taken much from him than he had anticipated.

 "I wonder if the packages have arrived?" he mumbled as he made his way towards the bathroom to freshen up.



  Old Man Benson was clad in tracksuit as he watered the vegetable plants in his garden at a steady pace. If an outsider came, they would be  shocked to discover that this seemingly ordinary man was once one of the top big shots in North Heights, as well as the father of two of the most influential individuals in the city.

 Five minutes passed when he sudden sighed as he stopped what he was doing.

 "I wonder how long you are going to keep standing there eh?" he slowly said.

 "Heh. Is it a crime to watch my dear father as he goes about his business?" a pearl of laughter rang from behind.

 "Shouldn't you have work to do? to think you'd afford to pay me a visit, and one so early in the day.. my dear daughter.." Old Man Benson laughed as he dropped the water can, giving Loveth who was behind him all this time, a hug.

 "I miss you Papa. It's just that the Auction planning had taken a lot of my time that I couldn't spare any to pay you a visit" Loveth apologized as she hugged her father tighter.

 "Ahh. If you don't let go. I am afraid that this old body of mine would break" Old Man Benson laughed.

 "Break. Even a moving truck won't be able to do that" although Loveth said this, she still broke off from the hug.

 "Come on let's go in. I am sure there's a lot of catching up between the both of us" Old Man Benson beckoned, a sincere happy smile plastered on his expression.



 "Boss!! We have intruders!!" Boss Jay had just taken a bite off the steak on the plate before him when one of his underlings rushed into the balcony he was occupying, with a frightened expression and a  body soaked with sweat.

 "Huh? how dare you interrupt my early morning snack huh? do you wanna die!?" due to the sudden shock, Boss Jay mistakenly let go of the glass of expensive wine he was holding, causing him to become enraged.

 "I am sorry Boss" the underling plunged to his knees in fright, not daring to look at the other party in the eye.

 He was once the underling of a former gangster boss in the city. However he was forced to watch his former boss die a tragic death by the hands of Boss Jay.

 So although he still felt so resentment, this was overshadowed by the fear he had for the other party.

 "Hm. You said there are intruders? what is the situation?" Boss Jay finally got a grip on himself, asking in a calm tone.

 "Suddenly seven trucks pulled over at the mansion premises and strange men in jumpsuit uniform and masks began to jump out of it. Right now, they are attacking our men and their leader claims that they are here to have your head " the underling explained the current state of things.

 "Have my head?! preposterous! do they know who the hell I am?!" Boss Jay roared, kicking away the stool which had the plate of steak on it.

 "What gang are they from huh?" he demanded.

 "Uhm. They don't seem to be part of any of the gangs around in these parts. Maybe they are from another borough?" the underling shrugged.

 Although the current Boss Jay was a terrifying existence in the City's Underworld, his influence was only prominent in West Wing. There were two other Boroughs remaining.  Boss Jay had only succeeded in dominating the underworld of West Wing borough.

 "Let's go. Looks like due to me being quiet all these time has caused those bastards to think that I have grown weak!" Boss Jay stood up.

 "A-Are you going to go out like that?" the underling had an unnatural expression as he gazed down on Boss Jay's current outfit which consisted of an orange boxers underneath a bathrobe.

 "Don't worry. This mess would be done with in a jifty" Boss Jay grinned confidently.



 When Drew descended the stairs, he found the whole of the Mick family gathered together at the dining table, filled with all kind of exotic breakfast dishes.

 However although the table was filled with these dishes, the whole family had not started eating. It was like they were waiting for something.

 "Oh. You are here!" Tom's eyes lit up when she noticed Drew descending the stairs.

 "Were you guys waiting for me?" Drew wasn't dumb.

 "Yeah. We have a rule in this family that prohibits us from eating unless everyone in the family is present at the dinning table" Rosalie sharply explained with a cute smile.

 "Ohh. I never knew that " Drew pinched his brows, embarrassed.

 "I apologize if I gave you guys any inconveniences"

 "It's fine. Now that you are here, we can start eating then" Becky clapped as she turned towards Tom.

 "Dear? why don't you bless the food before we eat?"

 "Okay " Tom closed her eyes while the whole family following suit.

 After offering a short prayer, the whole family began to dig in. Perhaps it was a coincidence but Drew ended up sitting besides Tom.

 "Are you okay Tom?" three minutes after the family began eating, Aiden suddenly asked.

 "Uhm?" Tom trembled in the face of Drew's sudden question.

 "I noticed that you've hardly ate anything off your plate, while Rosalie is currently halfway her second plate. Are you okay? should I run a diagnosis on you?" Drew asked with concern.

 "I.." in the face of Drew's caring words, Tom could only blush furiously, unable to form a coherent word while butterflies fluttered within her stomach.

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