Chapter 126 — Confusing Retreat

 After breakfast with the Mick Family, Drew headed towards the Medicine Refinement room he had used the previous day to brew the antidote for Mr. Mick's Sun Curse.

 When he arrived there, he was met with the sight of packaged boxes neatly arranged. These were the ingredients that he had requested from Loveth the previous day.

 "Let's get to work" he cracked his knuckles as he took in a deep breath before he began opening the packaged boxes.



  When Boss Jay exited his mansion, he was met with a shocking sight. Lying around helplessly were his underlings

 And the most scary part was that they were all bleeding from the severe injuries they had on their body.

 The whole premises of the mansion plunged into silence. The only thing that could be sensed in the air was the strong iron smell of blood as well as deep resentment.

 "So you are the boss of this place?" a baritone voice broke the silence at that moment, causing Boss Jay to tilt his head towards the direction from where the voice came.

 The one who had spoken was a slim man clad in red combat jump suit with his hair styled in a pony tail.

 His eyes were filled with immense coldness and a toothpick was trapped in between his lips. Behind him were twenty five others dressed in the same get up as him, well excluding the tooth pick...

 However judging from the way he carried himself, Boss Jay was quick to guess the he was the leader of the opposition gang, as well as the one responsible for the current state of his subordinates.

 However, Boss Jay didn't carelessly attack. Instead, he cautiously sized up the other party.

 "Who are you?" he asked.

 "Hehehehe. Since you care so much, I'll reveal the identity of the boss to you!" one of the gangsters stepped forward, his face beaming with pride.

 "Our Boss is named Mario Brown. However he is known as the Shadow Viper. You should prostrate yourself before the boss and swear your allegiance to him while you've got the chance!" 

 Hearing the other party's arrogant words, Boss Jay's expression exploded with rage. Swear allegiance?! keep dreaming!

 "Hmph. Shadow Viper? never heard of you" he scoffed contemptuously.

 Naturally his scornful remark caused a frown to appear on Mario Brown's lips. However another one of his underlings was swift to jump into his defense.

 "You bastard! you can only blame your ignorance for not hearing about the Boss great reputation!"

 Dropping this sentence, the Thug who had spoken rushed forward, throwing a punch at Boss Jay's direction.


 The punch not only came with intense speed, but also packed a lot of destructive strength. As it moved, it blasted apart the air in its path. No doubt if it landed on the body of a regular human, they would explode into blood mist instantly.

  However in the face of such an attack, Boss Jay smirked. Perhaps if it was the him of the past he would've been completely helpless. But after his meeting with Drew, his whole life changed!

 Just when the punch was a few inches from reaching his face, he finally made his move as he casually swung his hand.


 The sound of a crisp slap rang shortly after as the gangster flew backward, crashing roughly on the ground.

 "You bastard!" the gangster who had been slapped flying by Boss Jay, roared furiously as he stood up on his feets, holding onto his cheeks which was now currently beet red and swollen.

 "I'm going to fvcking kill you!" He roared furiously as he attempted to get up and have his revenge.

 He was a peak Decimus ranker! he was the one who always did the smacking. How could he tolerate such an embarrassing loss?!

 "Hmph. If you want another sweet smack on your cheek, then please be my guest. Though I can't guarantee if you'd be able to survive the next one" Boss Jay grinned as his confidence got bolstered up after he saw the way he had easily dealt with the other party.

 A week ago, Drew had given him a strange potion and had him drink it. According to Drew, the potion could increase the potency of his martial energy, increasing his cultivation. However due to how weak Boss Jay's cultivation was at that  moment, he spent six days refining the potion he had drank within him.

 It was only the previous night that he had managed to completely refine it and successfully reached the Octavus Rank! This was the first time testing his current strength and if  he were to be honest, it felt damn good!

 With his current strength, he was now confident that he could dominate the underworld of Delta City without breaking a sweat.

 "You bastard!" in the face of Boss Jay's mocking words, the gangster attempted to rush towards him.

 But just when he wanted to, he felt a strong grip on his arm, pulling him back. Lo and behold it was his boss ; Shadow Viper.

 "Boss?!" the gangster was slightly surprised.

 "So you are Boss Jay?" Mario Brown finally spoke out, a glint filled with interest flashing past in his eyes.

 "Yeah? and do you have a problem with that?" Boss Jay scoffed arrogantly, letting his momentary victory to get into his head.

 "Heh. You are stronger than I had imagined you'd be" Mario Brown chuckled lightly before tearing his gaze off Boss Jay.

 "Let's go" he turned towards his underlings.

 Although they appeared reluctant, they still followed his lead. And so, they mounted the truck they brought along which then drove off. All this while, Boss Jay silently watched them leave.

 Although he had the urge to interfere with their retreat, his instincts warned him not to. Somehow he felt that if he pushed his luck even a bit further, he was going to regret it.

 Although he found this feeling confusing, he had been a delinquent right from his youth. As such, he had grown to trust in his instincts.

 "I need to inform Boss!" he frowned, unfortunately he didn't bring his phone along.

 Glancing towards the few subordinate behind him who were uninjured, he instructed them to rush the injured straight to the hospital so they could receive immediate medical attention.

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