Chapter 6: Star Sword Pavilion

"If you want your life here to be uneasy, then go ahead and retaliate against them! But remember, whether you pass the next test depends on those seniors in our pavilion!" Li Jiang was reminded.

Li Jiang's words successfully calmed Tian Yun's anger. He then walked with his new friend into the pavilion that was their residence.

The pavilion consisted of three levels. On the first or lowest level were the new students, while the second level housed intermediate seniors. The third level was where the top seniors rested.

The Sword Pavilion itself was not very tall, only as high as an ordinary house, but it was made of stone. There were two such pavilions in that place; the one on the right was the residence of the male students, while the one on the left was for the female students.

In the Celestial Star Pavilion Sect, besides the Golden Star Pavilion, which was the main building of the sect, there were also three silver-colored pavilions known as the Child Pavilions, which were the residences of the students and teachers. Each pavilion had a teacher and students living together there. One of them was the Star Sword Pavilion.

These three pavilions represented the division of skills possessed by the students of the Celestial Star Pavilion Association. The Star Sword Pavilion was the place for practitioners who were skilled and had advantages in using weapons, especially sword skills. Additionally, they had high sealing technique abilities.

The second was the Star Element Pavilion. This pavilion was the gathering place for students skilled in elemental manipulation techniques. Most of them had the power to harness the basic elements of human energy. The ability to control elements was very rare among practitioners from other associations.

The third was called the Star Dragon Pavilion. This was the gathering place for students with the ability to control spiritual animals. They could combine their martial spirits with other spiritual creatures, thereby significantly enhancing their power.

Each pavilion was led by a prominent figure who was also the main teacher there. Besides the master teacher, there were two assistant teachers tasked with teaching the students in each pavilion. Additionally, senior students were sometimes asked to help train the juniors to accelerate their progress.

Just as Tian Yun was resting in his place, the sound of a giant bell rang out four times from the Celestial Pavilion. This was the signal for all students and teachers to immediately gather in front of the Golden Pavilion, the main building of the Celestial Star Pavilion.

Usually, the bell rang four times when their great leader appeared at the meeting. Indeed, he would typically be present in person to welcome the new students at the first meeting.

Without wasting any time, the students of the Celestial Star Pavilion Association, both new and old, as well as all the teachers who taught at the academy, had already gathered. There stood the Pavilion Master, who was also the main teacher and the Great Teacher, waiting.

He was dressed entirely in white. His hair had turned white, and his long beard, also white, reached down to his chest, giving him a compassionate appearance. He nodded his head as he saw everyone gathered in front of him.

"Respectful greetings to the Great Teacher, Leader of the Heavenly Pavilion Association!" All the students exclaimed in unison.

Not only the senior students paid respect to the great teacher named Wan Liu Chao, but the new students also did so without hesitation, even though it was their first time.

"Rise!" Wan Liu Chao smiled as he instructed all the students to stand up from their kneeling positions.

All the students stood up in unison. They then directed their attention to the leader of the Heavenly Pavilion Association, attentively waiting for the old man to speak. Their curiosity was piqued since it was unusual for the old man to gather them at this time.

Wan Liu Chao stroked his rather long, whitening beard. He looked up at the sky as if he were inviting it into the conversation. Then he took a deep breath and began to speak.

"I have gathered you all here today to announce some joyous news."

Wan Liu Chao paused for a moment. Meanwhile, the students looked at each other. They speculated internally about what the old man was going to say.

The Pavilion Leader continued, "In three months, I will hold a competition for all students. Those who manage to win the competition will be rewarded with a month of training under my direct guidance at the Heavenly Star Pavilion."

Hearing the announcement from the leader of the Heavenly Pavilion Association, the students cheered with excitement. After all, cultivating alone in the Heavenly Pavilion was undoubtedly challenging and life-threatening.

It was a different story if the old man named Wan Liu Chao was there to assist and protect them from the attacks of the spiritual energy in the Pavilion. The life-threatening risks could be avoided, and rapid progress in training would be achievable.

Moreover, training in the Heavenly Pavilion significantly accelerated the cultivation progress for the students. Anyone who cultivated in the Golden Pavilion could potentially break through three realms to the next level, or even up to five levels at once.

Typically, the leader of the Heavenly Star Pavilion Association only offers this opportunity once every five years. The selected students were few—only two.

For a moment, Wan Liu Chao scanned the entire group of students present. Whatever he was searching for, he then continued his speech.

"Therefore, train yourselves to overcome each of the tests I will give. There are five tests you must pass if you wish to earn a ticket to train in the main area of this Heavenly Pavilion. And this time, I will only grant this opportunity to two students."

Wan Liu Chao concluded his announcement by motivating the students to train even harder. He also mentioned that he would not appear again for the next three months.


The next day, all the new students were gathered in the main building of the Heavenly Pavilion Association. This building was not far from the Heavenly Pavilion, where the academy leader resided. About fifty new students were accepted into the Heavenly Star Pavilion Association this time.

All the students were chosen individuals who had passed the tests given before they were admitted, except for a few, including Tian Yun, who received special recommendations, thus gaining easy entry into the Heavenly Pavilion Association.

In front of the main building of the Heavenly Pavilion stood the great teachers from each of the smaller pavilions. They gathered according to their respective pavilions. The teachers began to introduce themselves to their students. After that, they were taken to the training rooms created by each teacher in another dimension.

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